by admin | Dec 17, 2015 | Uncategorized
What Fibromyalgia Teaches Us About Chronic Pain
Rethinking the Origin of Chronic Pain
Until relatively recently, most clinicians (and even many pain researchers) considered the majority of chronic pain to be due to ongoing peripheral nociceptive activity (eg, due to damage or inflammation) in peripheral tissues. In a few instances, this lack of concordance between damage/inflammation and pain is well known. For example, nearly all clinicians understand that there is a poor relationship between the results of magnetic resonance imaging or computed tomography scans of the back, and the presence or absence of lumbar pain. However, very few realize that there is not a single chronic pain state where any radiographic, surgical, or pathologic description of peripheral nociceptive damage has been reproducibly shown to reliably identify which individuals will be experiencing pain, or how severe that pain will be.
The reason for this appears to be that both the peripheral and central nervous systems (PNS/CNS) play critical roles in determining which nociceptive input detected by sensory nerves in the peripheral tissues will lead to the perception of pain in humans. Many individuals with significant peripheral nociceptive input will not experience pain, and others without any identifiable peripheral nociceptive input will experience severe pain. A central tenet of this review is that within any specific diagnostic category, individual patients may have markedly different peripheral nociceptive and neural contributions to their pain. Thus, just as low back pain has long been acknowledged to have multiple potential mechanisms and thus has sometimes been referred to as a mixed pain state, it is becoming more likely that all chronic pain syndromes may in fact be mixed pain states. This term implies that within each diagnostic category, individuals may have markedly different reasons for their pain. Some individuals will have pain primarily due to peripheral nociceptive input, whereas in others peripheral (eg, peripheral sensitization) or CNS factors (central sensitization, or centralization, of pain via augmented pain processing in the spine and brain) may be playing an equally or even more prominent role in their pain and other symptoms.
Making this distinction is critical from a clinical standpoint because both the drug and non-drug therapies that will work for any given chronic pain patient might be much better guided by a nuanced view of the mechanisms of the pain rather than knowing from which of these diagnoses the patient is suffering. This is not a new concept, having first been raised more than a decade ago by Mitchell Max, and later Clifford Woolf and others.
However, these authors opined that we should do this in the future; this review suggests that we might finally have made enough scientific progress in the pain field to begin implementing these techniques in clinical practice.

Figure 1 briefly describes at least 3 different underlying mechanisms that can be operative in chronic pain states: peripheral nociceptive, peripheral neuropathic, and central neuropathic (or centralized) pain. Some authors use the term neuropathic pain for any pain of neural origin, whereas others reserve this term for conditions where there is identifiable damage to the nervous system. We acknowledge this, but prefer to use the term central (or centralized) pain to refer to the fact that the CNS (rather than the PNS) is prominently involved in maintaining the pain. This distinction between peripheral neuropathic pain (where peripherally directed therapies such as topical treatments, injections, and/or surgery might be helpful, and should be considered) and central neuropathic pain (where these generally are not options) is extremely important.
Of note, although specific diagnoses are noted in Figure 1 as being considered peripheral nociceptive, peripheral neuropathic, or central neuropathic (centralized), this is meant to indicate the category in which each of the diagnoses has historically been considered to reside. Again, the emphasis of this review is that some individuals with any chronic pain state have evidence that they have centralized their pain and should likely be treated with centrally acting treatments, whereas other individuals with conditions such as
fibromyalgia or irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) may have peripheral contributions to their pain that may need to be identified and treated.
Fibromyalgia as the Prototypical Centralized Pain State.
The term central pain was originally used to describe individuals who developed pain after a stroke or spinal cord lesion. In this case, central referred to the fact that the lesion leading to pain occurred within the CNS—either spinal cord or brain. More recently, however,
the term has expanded to describe any CNS dysfunction or pathology that may be contributing to the development or maintenance of chronic pain. Another term that often has been used to describe this same phenomenon is central sensitization. Using this term can cause some confusion because just like central pain, the original meaning of central sensitization in the pain field referred to a specific spinal cord mechanism that is now realized to be one of many potential causes of augmented CNS pain processing.
Central pain, as newly defined, originally was thought to be confined to individuals with idiopathic or functional pain syndromes, such as
fibromyalgia, headache, IBS, temporomandibular joint disorder, and interstitial cystitis.
These pain syndromes have been shown to be familial/genetic, and to strongly coaggregate in individuals and families.
The symptoms experienced by individuals with central pain syndromes have been well characterized and consist of multifocal pain (with a high current and lifetime history of pain in many bodily regions), and a cluster of co-occurring somatic symptoms (ie, fatigue, sleep disturbances, memory difficulties). Even if individuals are identified as having a new onset of a regional pain syndrome, closer questioning often reveals very high rates of pain in other bodily regions, and other somatic symptoms in addition to pain.

Using a large Swedish twin registry, Kato and coleagues performed a series of studies first showing the comorbidities with chronic widespread pain. They later examined a number of these central, or functional, pain syndromes and the relationship of symptoms to those of
depression and anxiety.
These studies clearly demonstrated that functional somatic syndromes such as
fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, IBS, and headache have latent traits (eg, multifocal pain, fatigue, memory, and sleep difficulties) that are different from (but overlap somewhat with) psychiatric conditions such as anxiety and
depression. The notion that there are 2 overlapping sets of traits, one being pain and sensory amplification and the other being mood and affect, also is supported by genetic studies of idio-pathic pain syndromes.
Current evidence suggests that genetic factors are approximately 50% responsible for overall sensitivity to experimental pain, and that the same genes that have been identified as increasing sensitivity to experimental pain also make individuals more likely to develop chronic pain over the course of their lifetime. There are at least 5 sets of genes that have been shown to both change an individual’s pain sensitivity and increase their likelihood of developing one or more chronic pain states. These include COMT (an estrogen-sensitive enzyme that may play a more prominent role in females); a number of sodium channel mutations; GTP cyclohydroxylase (GCHI); types 2 and 3 adrenergic receptors; and a potassium channel gene (KCNS).
The genes have been most consistently shown to confer a higher risk for pain sensitivity or the development of chronic pain, but not all studies have confirmed these findings. As with most illnesses that may have a familial or genetic underpinning, environmental factors may play a prominent role in triggering the development of
fibromyalgia and other central pain states. Environmental stressors temporally associated with the development of either
fibromyalgia or chronic fatigue syndrome include early life trauma; physical trauma (especially involving the trunk); certain infections such as hepatitis C, Epstein-Barr virus, parvovirus, and Lyme disease; and emotional stress. The disorder also is associated with other regional pain conditions or autoimmune disorders.
Of note, each of these stressors only triggers the development of
fibromyalgia and/or chronic fatigue syndrome in approximately 5% to 10% of individuals who are exposed; the overwhelming majority of individuals who experience these same infections or other stressful events regain their baseline state of health. Although
fibromyalgia, IBS, and other central pain states were originally felt to be autoimmune or inflammatory diseases (ie, fibrositis, spastic colitis) and then later believed not to be, recent findings are leading to a reconsideration of whether subtle inflammatory or peripheral changes may be responsible for some of the symptoms seen. Furthermore, studies suggest that maintenance of central augmentation requires persistent noxious peripheral input, even in syndromes such as IBS and
fibromyalgia, which are characterized by the absence of well-defined, localized, pain-causing lesions.
A recent study of 68 patients with
fibromylgia and myofascial pain syndromes and 56 patients with
fibromyalgia and regional joint pain showed that peripheral trigger-point injections and hydroelectro-phoresis ameliorate f
ibromyalgia pain and increase pain thresholds at sites distant from the therapeutic interventions, providing further evidence that painful peripheral stimuli contribute to the perpetuation of central augmentation interventions.
Role of Central Factors in Classic Peripheral
Nociceptive Input Disorders
Historically, the “disease” of osteoarthritis (OA) has been viewed primarily as damage to the cartilage and bone. As such, the magnitude of damage or inflammation of these structures should predict symptoms. Population-based studies suggest otherwise; 30% to 50% of individuals with moderate to severe radiographic changes of OA are asymptomatic, and approximately 10% of individuals with moderate to severe knee pain have normal radiographs.
Psychological factors do account for some of this variance in pain and other symptoms, but only to a small degree.
This failure of peripheral damage, inflammation, or even psychological factors to explain the presence, absence, or severity of chronic pain should not be surprising. To date, no chronic pain state involves a strong relationship between peripheral factors and the level of pain reported.The work done to date supports the hypothesis of OA as a mixed pain state, and in some individuals CNS factors are highly influential. Central factors may be playing a pivotal role in OA, which helps to explain the fact that comorbid somatic symptoms known to be associated with central pain conditions (eg, fatigue, sleep problems) are very commonly present in OA, and are not explained by a purely peripheral model of
this disorder.
Moreover, both quantitative sensory testing and functional neuroimaging studies suggest that patients with OA display diffuse hyperalgesia to mechanical or heat stimuli, some of which normalizes following hip arthroplasty. This further suggests that the central factors were being at least partly driven by peripheral nociceptive input.
Finally, recent randomized controlled trials have demonstrated that compounds that alter pain neurotransmitters centrally such as serotonin and norepinephrine (eg, duloxetine [Cymbalta, Lilly], milnacipran [Savella, Forest], tricy-clics) are efficacious in OA.

Basing Pharmacologic Therapy on Underlying Mechanism(s) of Pain Figure 2 shows the classes of drugs that seem most effective in different underlying mechanisms of pain. For peripheral nociceptive, noninflammatory pain states such as OA, treatment guidelines typically recommend first using acetaminophen, and then non steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). It is now generally thought that acetaminophen is safer, but less effective, than NSAIDs. Although opioids previously had been considered to be very useful for pain refractory to these treatments, the latest meta-analyses of opioids in OA challenge this notion, and generally recommend against opioid use.
Although older studies supported the fact that tricyclic compounds may be effective in OA, these drugs have significant toxicity, especially in the elderly. Because of this, newer drugs that also are likely working by increasing serotonergic and noradrenergic activity, such as tramadol and duloxetine, are more commonly used. Although many in the pain field strongly suspect that these latter centrally acting analgesics (this term is used cautiously because most analgesics have potential peripheral and central mechanisms) will be more effective in individuals with peripheral nociceptive pain that has centralized to date, there have been no studies that have definitively proved this. In inflammatory, peripheral pain states such as rheumatoid arthritis, a whole host of anti-inflammatory or disease-modifying drugs also are used in addition to the above drugs. It is likely that these drugs both directly decrease pain by reducing inflammation, and also reduce peripheral sensitization that may occur due to ongoing inflammation. The classes of drugs that preferentially work for neuropathic or centralized pain states again include the serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (eg, tricyclics, tramadol, duloxetine) as well as the calcium channel ligands (pregabalin [Lyrica, Pfizer] and gabapentin).Peripheral pain syndromes (including both inflammatory and noninflammatory peripheral pain, and peripheral neuropathic pain) also can be treated with topical agents or injections. Injections of corticosteroids, hyaluronic acid preparations (for OA in joints that can be injected), agents that ablate nerves, or capsa-icin (effective in both OA and neuropathic pain) are all therapeutic options.
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5. Clauw DJ, Schmidt M, Radulovic D, et al. The relationship
between fibromyalgia and interstitial cystitis. J Psychiatric Res. 1997;31(1):125-131.
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by admin | Nov 5, 2015 | Uncategorized
Scientific breakthroughs happen every day! In an effort to help our patients stay up to speed on the most cutting edge treatment options available for them, our scientists monitor current research and publish weekly research updates. The title of each article below is a link to the full study report. If you’d like to make an appointment with Dr. Hanna to discuss your treatment options, please contact us.
Innate immunity of surfactant proteins A and D in urinary tract infection with uropathogenic Escherichia coli
F Hu, G Ding, Z Zhang, LA Gatto, S Hawgood… – Innate Immunity, 2015
… UTI was induced as previously described, 30 with some modifications. In brief, mice were
anesthetized by ip injection with ketamine/xylazine (90 mg/kg ketamine and 10 mg/kg xylazine),
and were gently massaged and pushed down on the bladder to expel urine. …
[PDF] Comparison of propofol and ketofol in minor gynecologic interventions
Y Işık, Z Kurdoğlu, U Göktaş, İ Katı, D Sözen – J Clin Exp Invest www. jceionline. org …, 2015
… Propofol is administered as an infusion instead of in repeated doses, which prevents
dose-dependent respiratory and cardiovascular system depression and pro- vides controlled
sedation [1]. Ketamine is preferred for premedication, anesthesia induction and main- tenance …
Anesthesia Complications of Pediatric Radiotherapy
V Verma, AB Beethe, M LeRiger, RR Kulkarni, M Zhang… – Practical Radiation …, 2015
… While agents such as ketamine (complication rates approaching 23-24%) have been used
in the past, other agents such as propofol and volatile anesthetics have lower complication
rates due to improved drug side effect profiles (0.01-3.5%). …
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… Ketamine (Parnell Manufacturing Pty Ltd; Alexandria, NSW, Australia), xylazine (Ilium Xylazil,
Troy Laboratories Pty Ltd; Glendenning, NSW, Australia), enrofloxacin (Baytril 5%, Bayer Health
Care; Seoul, Korea) and carprofen (Carprieve, Norbrook Laboratories (GB), Ltd …
The role of glutamatergic, GABA-ergic, and cholinergic receptors in depression and antidepressant-like effect
K Pytka, A Dziubina, K Młyniec, A Dziedziczak… – Pharmacological Reports, 2015
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… [P6]. During the study period, the symptoms of OAB, particularly urinary frequency and
urinary incontinence, were identified by government antisubstance abuse public service
announcements as signs and consequences of ketamine abuse. …
Hydrogen sulfide (H 2 S) attenuates uranium-induced acute nephrotoxicity through oxidative stress and inflammatory response via Nrf2-NF-κB pathways
J Zheng, T Zhao, Y Yuan, N Hu, X Tang – Chemico-Biological Interactions, 2015
… sacrificed. After urine collection, rats were anesthetized by an ip injection of
ketamine-xylazine (50 mg/kg ketamine and 5 mg/kg xylazine), and blood samples
were obtained directly from the heart ventricle in anesthetized animals. …
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… even if technically successful. If central nervous system pain processing is altered,
specific treatment targeting these changes should be instituted (eg gabapentinoids,
ketamine or tricyclic antidepressants). Suitable tools are …
Propofol target-controlled infusion for sedated gastrointestinal endoscopy: A comparison of propofol alone versus propofol–fentanyl–midazolam
CD Hsu, JM Huang, YP Chuang, HY Wei, YC Su… – The Kaohsiung Journal of …, 2015
… The currently used regimens include propofol, benzodiazepines (such as midazolam and
diazepam), opioids (such as fentanyl and remifentanil), ketamine, and de-dexmedetomidine
[3], [4], [5] and [6]. Among them propofol has become popular in developed countries, because …
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sulphate @ 0.04mg/kg body weight. Laparotomy was performed …
Radiofrequency Ablation (RFA)
Treatment of Neuroendocrine Liver Metastases
HA Farley, RF Pommier – Surgical Oncology Clinics of North America, 2015
… Treatment options: radiofrequency ablation. RFA is another technique used to treat
neuroendocrine metastases of the liver, but it has limitations. One can ablate a limited number
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… Such ablative therapies are high-intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU), radiofrequency
ablation (RFA), irreversible electroporation (IRE), iodine-125, iodine-125–cryosurgery,
photodynamic therapy (PDT) and microwave ablation [8]. …
Minimally Invasive Techniques for Resection of Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Tumors
GGF Ranvier, D Shouhed, WB Inabnet – Surgical Oncology Clinics of North America, 2015
Please note that Internet Explorer version 8.x will not be supported as of January 1,
2016. Please refer to this blog post for more information. Close. …
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5 and 7 of the liver, and a radiofrequency ablation was used to treat a lesion in segment 3.
Although the suspicion of gallbladder carcinoma at the time of surgery was low, the …
Nontraumatic Cervical Spine for Primary Care Providers
CR Hemmer – The Journal for Nurse Practitioners, 2015
… physical therapy, a home traction unit, transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation, epidural steroid
injections, selective nerve root blocks (transforaminal injections), botulinum toxin type A injections,
medication management, radiofrequency ablation, and surgical correction. …
Surgical Management of Adrenocortical Carcinoma: An Evidence-Based Approach
J Datta, RE Roses – Surgical Oncology Clinics of North America, 2015
Please note that Internet Explorer version 8.x will not be supported as of January 1,
2016. Please refer to this blog post for more information. Close. …
S Narayan, R Sehra – US Patent 20,150,289,807, 2015
… For instance, ablation success for atrial tachycardias (a ‘simple’ disorder) may be as low as 70%. …
Thus, ablating the cause of a heart rhythm disorder can be challenging, and even experienced
practitioners may require hours to ablate certain ‘simple’ rhythm disorders …
S Navalkissoor, G Gnanasegaran – Journal of Cancer & Allied Specialties, 2015
… These include surgical debulking, chemotherapy, molecular targeted therapies (eg sunitinib
and everolimus), interferon, somatostatin analogues, local therapies (eg radiofrequency ablation
or embolisation) and peptide receptor radionuclide therapy (PRRT). …
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mL/min) with irrigated catheter (Sprinklr, Medtronic, Minneapolis, USA) and both,
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J. Jez, J. Wolf, T. Kulik, A. Zbankova, M. Novak Department of Cardiology, ICRC/St. …
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disorder in children and adolescents. … Specifically, it is not known which factors precipitate
CRPS and which result from the ongoing painful disease. …
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© Rumyantsev SN.This book chapter is open access distributed under the Creative
Commons Attribu- tion 4.0 International License, which …
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Derg 2015;61:197-202 … Comparison between Depression Levels of Women with … Diz
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MLD to women with fibromyalgia resulted in improvements regarding pain, health
status, and health-related quality of life. Lancaster and Crow14 …
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a,*, D. Chaleil b, J. Cabane c, A. Dumolard d, P. Hatron e, R. Juvin d, M. Lanteri-minet f, Y. Mainguy
g, L. Negre-pages h, F. Pillard i, D. Riviere i, Y. Maugars j a Clinique, 8, rue des …
D Brunner, J Malberg, BG Shankar, S Kolczewski… – US Patent 20,150,284,386, 2015
… Fibromyalgia, which is a syndrome characterized by chronic generalized pain associated with
different somatic symptoms, such as sleep disturbances, fatigue, stiffness, balance problems,
hypersensitivity to physical and psychological environmental stimuli, depression and …
JE Campbell, P Jones – US Patent 20,150,291,626, 2015
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… Likewise, Tai Chi is beneficial for treating fibromyalgia, achieving better symptomatology,
aerobic capacity, dynamic balance, body strength, and walking distance [112]. Psychological
health: Studies inform the effects of Baduanjin on mental well-being. …
[HTML] Recommendations to the primary care practitioners and the patients for managing pelvic pain, especially in painful bladder syndrome for early and better prognosis
KJ Chung, ANY Han, KH Kim – Journal of Exercise Rehabilitation, 2015
… Scholar]. Nickel JC., Tripp DA., Pontari M., Moldwin R., Mayer R., Carr LK., Doggweiler R., Yang
CC., Mishra N., Nordling J. Interstitial cystitis/painful bladder syndrome and associated medical
conditions with an emphasis on irritable bowel syndrome, fibromyalgia and chronic …
by admin | Oct 1, 2015 | Uncategorized
Weekly Breaking Research Updates
Scientific breakthroughs happen every day! In an effort to help our patients stay up to speed on the most cutting edge treatment options available for them, our scientists monitor current research and publish weekly research updates. The title of each article below is a link to the full study report. If you’d like to make an appointment with Dr. Hanna to discuss your treatment options, please contact us.
Ketamine Derivatives
JW Sleigh, WA Denny, J Jose, SA Gamage, MG Harvey… – US Patent 20,150,259,277, 2015
Abstract: The present invention relates to ketamine derivatives of the formula (I),
pharmaceutical compositions comprising them, and methods for treating pain comprising
administering them, and their use in the manufacture of medicaments for treating pain. …
Comparing the hemodynamic parameters and seizure duration between ketamine and thiopental during Electroconvulsive therapy in patients with Major depressive …
M Mohseni, A Ghanbari, MA Motazedi Ghajar… – Anesthesiology and Pain, 2015
Aim and Background: Today the effect of Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) in cure of Major
depressive disease (MDD), and psychiatric patients is well accepted and usage of this
method is developed every day. In this regard, selecting the most effective hypnotic drugs …
The antinociceptive efficacy of morphine-ketamine-magnesium combination is influenced by the order of medication administration.
SM Vučkovič, VKR Savič, DP Srebro, BM Medič… – European review for …, 2015
OBJECTIVE: Ketamine and magnesium, both N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor
antagonists, enhance the antinociceptive effects of opioid analgesics in different animal
models of pain, as well as in humans. This study aimed at evaluating whether magnesium …
[HTML] Hemodynamic Effects of the Non-Peptidic Angiotensin-(1-7) Agonist AVE0991 in Liver Cirrhosis
S Klein, CB Herath, R Schierwagen, J Grace… – PLOS ONE, 2015
… Cholestatic model. BDL was performed in 40 rats (180g) after anesthesia with ketamine/xylazine
(78mg/kg and 10mg/kg body weight) as previously described [12]. … Briefly rats were anesthetized
with ketamine/xylazine (78mg/kg and 10mg/kg body weight), respectively. …
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AL Leblond, K Klinkert, K Martin, EC Turner, AH Kumar… – PLOS ONE, 2015
… Procedures were performed under anesthesia induced by ketamine (90mg/kg), xylazine
(10mg/kg) and urethane (1.25mg/kg) and analgesia by ip delivery of carprofen (5 mg/Kg). … Mice
were anesthetized with ketamine (90mg/kg), xylazine (10mg/kg) and urethane (1.25mg/kg). …
Morphological Pulmonary Diffusion Capacity for Oxygen of Burmese Pythons (Python molurus): a Comparison of Animals in Healthy Condition and with Different …
JM Starck, I Weimer, H Aupperle, K Müller… – Journal of Comparative …, 2015
… Snakes were anaesthetized (1 mg/kg diazepam intramuscularly [i/m]; Faustan; Temmler Pharma,
Marburg, Germany, followed by 40 mg/kg ketamine hydrochloride i/m; Ketavet; Pfizer Pharma,
Berlin, Germany) and placed in the CT scanner (Brilliance CT 6; Philips, Hamburg …
[PDF] Articles in PresS. Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol (March 27, 2015). doi: 10.1152/ajplung. 00291.2014
BA MacKenzie, I Henneke, S Hezel, D Al Alam… – 2015
… Mice were genotyped as described previously (3, 12, 34). 148 149 Bleomycin administration
150 10–14 week-old female mice were anaesthetized with a mixture of 0.6 µl/g Ketamine 10%
151 (100 mg/ml) and 0.3 µl/g Dormitor 10% (0.5 mg/ml) dissolved in 0.7% saline. …
Anesthesia for Endoscopy
M Asakawa – Veterinary Clinics of North America: Small Animal …, 2015
… 26 Another study found that a combination of acepromazine and butorphanol followed by induction
with propofol had minimal effect on splenic volume, whereas medetomidine and butorphanol
as premedicants followed by ketamine and diazepam for induction were associated …
[HTML] Generation and Characterization of Live Attenuated Influenza A (H7N9) Candidate Vaccine Virus Based on Russian Donor of Attenuation
S Shcherbik, N Pearce, A Balish, J Jones, S Thor… – PLOS ONE, 2015
… replication in multiple organs. Anesthesia occurred through an intramuscular injection
of a ketamine-xylazine-atropine cocktail (25 mg/kg ketamine, 2 mg/kg xylazine,
and 0.05 mg/kg of atropine). For euthanasia, ferrets were …
[HTML] Standardized surgical approaches to ear surgery in rats
P Li, D Ding, K Gao, R Salvi – Journal of Otology, 2015
… studies using rats. 2. Anesthesia and pre-operative preparation. Health SD rats
weighing about 250 g were selected and anesthetized with intraperitoneal ketamine
(100 mg/kg) and chlorpromazine (5 mg/kg). The skin around …
Radiofrequency Ablation (RFA)
Is radiofrequency ablation of lung metastases the most radical treatment?
M Zielinski, R Zaimi, P Sabatier, P Bagan – European Journal of Surgical Oncology, 2015
We read with interest the article on long term results of radiofrequency ablation (RFA) to lung
metastases from colorectal cancer 1. This article is an interesting retrospective analysis on
long term survival in patients with lung metastases from colorectal cancer treated with this …
Uninterrupted new oral anticoagulants compared to uninterrupted Vitamin K antagonists in ablation of atrial fibrillation. A Meta-analysis
R Nairooz, K Ayoub, P Sardar, J Payne, A Almomani… – Canadian Journal of …, 2015
… NOAC= new oral anticoagulant, VKA=vitamin K antagonist, N/A=not available, TEE=
trans-esophageal echocardiogram, ICE= intra-cardiac echocardiogram, UFH=
unfractionated heparin, s= seconds, RFA= radiofrequency ablation. …
Magnetic resonance imaging of atrial fibrosis: redefining atrial fibrillation to a syndrome
P Gal, NF Marrouche – European Heart Journal, 2015
… Post-ablation DE-MRI allows for assessment of the total scar burden, complete encirclement
of pulmonary veins, and the assessment of residual fibrosis, which were all reported to
be strong predictors of arrhythmia recurrences post-ablation. …
Imaging Hepatocellular Carcinoma with Dynamic CT Before and After Transarterial Chemoembolization: Optimal Scan Timing of Arterial Phase
M Saake, MM Lell, A Eller, W Wuest, M Heinz, M Uder… – Academic Radiology, 2015
… In eight patients previous TACE and in five patients previous radiofrequency ablation had been
performed and follow-up imaging had demonstrated HCC recurrence. … First, in a part of our cohort
the HCCs had been treated previously by TACE or radiofrequency ablation. …
Efficacy of Antiarrhythmic Drugs Short-Term Use After Catheter Ablation for Atrial Fibrillation (EAST-AF) trial
K Kaitani, K Inoue, A Kobori, Y Nakazawa, T Ozawa… – European Heart Journal, 2015
… fasttrack ★ Efficacy of Antiarrhythmic Drugs Short-Term Use After Catheter Ablation
for Atrial Fibrillation (EAST-AF) trial. Kazuaki Kaitani, Koichi Inoue, Atsushi Kobori,
Yuko Nakazawa, Tomoya Ozawa, Toshiya Kurotobi, Itsuro …
FM de Jesus, LAG Magalhães, S Kodlulovich – Radiation Protection Dosimetry, 2015
… are essential for the diagnosis and monitoring of patients with complex cardiovascular disease
(2–4) , for the diagnosis of pulmonary embolism (5) and for guiding interventional procedures,
such as radiofrequency ablation, biopsy, abscess drainage and nephrostomy (6) . In …
Substrate Mapping for Unstable Ventricular Tachycardia
P Santangeli, FE Marchlinski – Heart Rhythm, 2015
… Scar dechanneling, linear ablation through sites matching VT with pacing and the core isolation
approach focus on more discrete … and/or inducible arrhythmias by means of physiological
maneuvers, although this does not necessarily translate in less radiofrequency lesions to …
[HTML] Evaluation and management of chronic coccygodynia: Fluoroscopic guided injection, local injection, conservative therapy and surgery in non-oncological pain
A Galhom, M al-Shatouri, SA El-Fadl – The Egyptian Journal of Radiology and …, 2015
… 23). The beneficial effect was retained with repeated injections (21). Radiofrequency
ablation using two needles achieved a pain reduction of >50% for an average duration
of 2.2 months, in a series of 13 patients (24). Another …
[HTML] Assessment of prognosis of patients with stage II colon cancer
S Martins, P Martins – Journal of Coloproctology, 2015
… Recurrence and outcomes following hepatic resection, radiofrequency ablation, and combined
resection/ablation for colorectal liver metastases. Ann. Surg., 239 (2004), pp. 818–825 discussion
825–27. 9; K. Lang, JR Korn, DW Lee, LM Lines, CC Earle, J. Menzin; …
Energy delivery systems and uses thereof
DW van der Weide, PF Laeseke, FT Lee, CL Brace – US Patent 9,119,649, 2015
… tissue for a wide variety of applications, including medical procedures (eg, tissue ablation,
resection, cautery … the device is configured to deliver a sufficient amount of energy to ablate the
tissue … In some embodiments, the energy is microwave energy and/or radiofrequency energy …
Chronic Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS/RSD)
Side-Channel Assisted Modeling Attacks on Feed-Forward Arbiter PUFs Using Silicon Data
R Kumar, W Burleson – … : 11th International Workshop, RFIDsec 2015, New …, 2015
… However, the performance of modeling attacks is impacted by the presence of
error-prone CRPs in the training set. To that extent … error-prone CRPs. The terms
“error-prone” and “error- inflicted” refer to the same set of CRPs. …
Making Invisible Intersectionality Visible Through Theater of the Oppressed in Teacher Education
B Powers, PB Duffy – Journal of Teacher Education, 2015
… Thank you! We ended there on the first day. Day 2. After initial warm-ups, the students broke up
into four groups. Each group, of about five to six students, was asked to create two to three
tableaux that explored their positions within schools as it relates to the course of CRPs. …
Energy geographies: thinking critically about energy issues in the classroom
E Delgado – Journal of Geography in Higher Education, 2015
Analysis of suicide attempts and completions at the South Texas Veterans Health Care System: a retrospective review
R Oliveira, TA Moore, CA Gutierrez – Mental Health Clinician, 2015
… Additional information collected included psychiatric medications used during the review period,
including psychiatric MPRs for 6 months before the suicide attempt. The MPRs were calculated
manually using the prescription refill history available in CRPS. …
[PDF] Cadmium toxicity in diazotrophic Anabaena spp. adjudged by hasty up-accumulation of transporter and signaling and severe down-accumulation of nitrogen …
S Rai, S Singh, LC Rai – 2015
… Percentage of total protein variability explained in PC1 and PC2 is given in parenthesis.
Protein spots in red color represent variables whereas text in blue color indicates time points.
Fig. 5. Cluster analysis of Cd responsive (CRPs) in Anabaena spp. …
[PDF] The migraine brain in transition: girls vs boys
V Fariaa, N Erpeldinga, A Lebela, A Johnsona… – 2015
Structure-function relationships in mammalian Histidine-Proline-Rich Glycoprotein
F Ronca, A Raggi – Biochimie, 2015
Histidine-proline-rich glycoprotein (HPRG), or histidine-rich glycoprotein (HRG), is a serum
protein that is synthesized in the liver and is actively internalis.
[PDF] Adult attention-deficit and hyperactivity disorder and fibromyalgia: a case-control study
A Golimstok, MC Fernandez, MM Garcia Basalo – Neuro Open J, 2015
ABSTRACT Introduction: Fibromyalgia syndrome (FMS) is a disorder characterized by
widespread musculoskeletal pain accompanied by fatigue, sleep, memory and mood issues.
An association between attention deficit and fibromyalgia was reported. However, to our …
Fasting and rheumatic diseases (ahead of publication)
MH Jokar – Journal of Fasting and Health, 2015
… Predicting chronic symptoms after an acute “stressor”—lessons learned from 3 medical conditions.
Med Hypotheses 2004;63:653-8. 17-Chervin RD, Teodorescu M, Kushwaha R, et al. Objective
measures of disordered sleep in fibromyalgia. J Rheumatol 2009;36:2009-16. …
… —With treatment approaches for fibromyalgia evolving over the course of modern medicine, many clinicians are reviewing the Diagnosing and Treating Fibromyalgia: …
C Palsy, CPCLE Row
The pathophysiology of fibromyalgia includes central sensitization (amplification of pain in
the spinal cord via spontaneous nerve activity, expanded receptive fields, and augmented
stimulus responses), abnormalities of descending inhibitory pain pathways (dysfunction in …
[HTML] Select a Site
V Promise, VO Heritage, B Areas, L Diabetes…
Neuroscience covers both mental disorder and pain manifestations. Mental disorder covers Bipolar
Disorder, Schizophrenia,Depression and General Anxiety Disorder while pain includes Diabetic
neuropathy, Fibromyalgia and chronic pain. … 54th ed. Lange; 2015. Fibromyalgia. …
The measurement of bridging social capital in population health research
E Villalonga-Olives, I Kawachi – Health & Place, 2015
… capital (a combination of social resources that can be beneficial to a person’s physical health
and well-being), personal coping strategies, and additional personal and disease-related factors,
contribute to the functioning and quality of life (QoL) of fibromyalgia (FM) patients. …
Therapeutic Effects of the Mineral Waters from Copahue Spa
AM Monasterio, F Armijo, F Maraver – Copahue Volcano, 2015
… and chondrolysis, Fioravanti et al. (2011) reported: • A reduction in the levels of
circulating pros- taglandins E2 (PGE-2) and leukotriene B4 (LT-B4) in patients with
osteoarthritis or fibromyalgia. • Reductions in tumour necrosis …
Seven Steps to Choosing Joy!: Discover the Power of Your Inner Wisdom
L Ackles – 2015
IR Vlahov, CP Leamon – US Patent 20,150,258,203, 2015
… any one of the preceding embodiments wherein the disease is selected from the group consisting
of arthritis, including rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis, glomerulonephritis, proliferative
retinopathy, restenosis, ulcerative colitis, Crohn’s disease, fibromyalgia, psoriasis and ..
by admin | Sep 23, 2015 | Uncategorized
Weekly Breaking Research Updates
Scientific breakthroughs happen every day! In an effort to help our patients stay up to speed on the most cutting edge treatment options available for them, our scientists monitor current research and publish weekly research updates. The title of each article below is a link to the full study report. If you’d like to make an appointment with Dr. Hanna to discuss your treatment options, please contact us.
[HTML] Upper urinary tract damage caused by ketamine snorting—A report of nine cases
HY Lee, YC Hsu, CY Hsu, ECL Chou, CC Li, YS Juan… – Urological Science, 2015
Objective The toxicity of ketamine to genitourinary system not only involved in lower urinary
tract, which include urinary frequency, urgency, suprapubic pain, dysuria and hematuria, but
also upper urinary tracts. However, the reports of ketmaine-induced upper urinary tract …
Inconsistency of allometric scaling for dissociative anesthesia of wild felids
AB Carregaro, GC Freitas, SP Bisetto, NV Xavier… – Veterinary anaesthesia and …, 2015
… Keywords: allometric scaling; dissociative anesthesia; ketamine; metabolic rate; xylazine.
Abstract. … Objective. To evaluate allometric scaling for ketamine–xylazine (KX) anesthesia
in wild felids using domestic cats for reference. Study design. …
[PDF] The ERα-PI3K Cascade in Pro-opiomelanocortin Progenitor Neurons Regulates Feeding and Glucose Balance in Female Mice
L Zhu, P Xu, X Cao, Y Yang, AO Hinton Jr, Y Xia… – Endocrinology, 2015
… Hypothalamic ER -p85 interaction and phosphorylation of AKT in response to icv PPT
Female C57Bl6 mice (12 weeks) were anesthetized with ip injections of
ketamine/xylazine cocktail (100 mg/kg ketamine and 10 mg/kg xylazine). …
[HTML] Effects of leptin on sympathetic nerve activity in conscious mice
DA Morgan, F Despas, K Rahmouni – Physiological Reports, 2015
… Here, we examined the sympathetic responses evoked by leptin in conscious mice. Mice
were instrumented, under ketamine/xylazine anesthesia, with renal or lumbar SNA
recordings using a thin (40 gauge) bipolar platinum–iridium wire. …
[PDF] Treatment of Pain with Antidepressants
B Kerr, C Benson, K Mifflin, SJB Jesudasan, S Dursun… – Klinik Psikofarmakoloji …, 2015
… depression43-45. There has been a great deal of interest in the NMDA receptor antagonist
ketamine and its rapid acting antidepressant action when infused46,47, and it is interesting that
this drug has also been used in treatment of therapy-resistant chronic pain48. …
Use of LigaSure on bile duct in rats. An experimental study.
A Marte, L Pintozzi – Minerva pediatrica, 2015
… in rats. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Thirty Wistar rats weighing 70 to 120gr were
employed for this study. The animals were all anaesthetized with intraperitoneal
Ketamine and then divided into three groups. The first group …
[HTML] Maxcal-C (a polyherbal formulation) prevents ovariectomy-induced osteoporosis in rats
RA Maheshwari, F Dhakwala, R Balaraman, AK Seth… – Indian Journal of …, 2015
… Standard drug Calcium Sandoz (cholecalciferol), ketamine hydrochloride, diazepam, povidone,
and ampicillin were purchased from commercial market. … The rats were anesthetized with injection
of ketamine hydrochloride (40 mg/kg. ip) and diazepam (5 mg/kg, im). …
Positive reinforcing effect of oxytocin microinjection in the rat central nucleus of amygdala
K László, A Kovács, O Zagoracz, T Ollmann, L Péczely… – Behavioural Brain Research, 2015
… 00 h. 2.2. Surgery. Rats were anesthetized ip by ketamine supplemented with
diazepam (Calypsol and Seduxen, Richter Gedeon, Hungary, ketamine: 80
mg/kg body weight, diazepam: 20 mg/kg body weight). Animals were …
Minocycline Attenuates Depressive‐like Behaviour Induced by Rat Model of Testicular Torsion: Involvement of Nitric Oxide Pathway
SSS Saravi, SE Mousavi, SSS Saravi, AR Dehpour – Basic & Clinical Pharmacology & …, 2015
… Testicular Torsion/Detorsion Animals were anaesthetized with intraperitoneal injection of ketamine
HCl (50 mg/kg) and chlorpromazine (25 mg/kg). … 30 days. Testosterone assay At day 30, the rats
were anaesthetized with intraperitoneal injection of ketamine HCl (50 mg/kg) …
Spinal Reflexes and Windup In Vitro: Effects of Analgesics and Anesthetics
I Rivera‐Arconada, C Roza, JA Lopez‐Garcia – CNS Neuroscience & Therapeutics, 2015
… Spinal cord mechanisms may contribute toward analgesia and akinesia. Ketamine.
The general anesthetic ketamine is a noncompetitive blocker of NMDA receptors
that also shows activity on several ionic channels. As expected …
Augmentation Therapy With Serial Intravenous Ketamine Over 18 Months in a Patient With Treatment Resistant Depression.
S Hassamal, M Spivey, AK Pandurangi – Clinical Neuropharmacology, 2015
Abstract Major depressive disorder is a severe illness that affects 3% to 7% of adults
annually in the United States. About 30% of these individuals are refractory to multiple
treatment trials. Recent reports have found a significant and almost immediate …
Ketamine Increases Permeability and Alters Epithelial Phenotype of Renal Distal Tubular Cells Via a GSK‐3β‐Dependent Mechanism
HY Shyu, CJ Ko, YC Luo, HY Lin, SR Wu, SW Lan… – Journal of Cellular …, 2015
Abstract Ketamine, a dissociative anesthetic, is misused and abused worldwide as an illegal
recreational drug. In addition to its neuropathic toxicity, ketamine abuse has numerous
effects, including renal failure; however, the underlying mechanism is poorly understood. …
More effective induction of anesthesia using midazolam-butorphanol-ketamine-sevoflurane compared with ketamine-sevoflurane in the common marmoset monkey ( …
H ISHIBASHI – Journal of Veterinary Medical Science, 2015
The common marmoset has been increasingly used for research in the biomedical field;
however, there is little information available regarding effective methods of anesthesia in this
species. This study retrospectively analyzed 2 regimens of anesthesia induction: …
[HTML] Comparison of Ketamine–Medetomidine-butorphanol and Ketamine–dexmedetomidine-butorphanol Anesthesia in Rats
R Costea, D Lastofka, M Mehedinţu – Agriculture and Agricultural Science Procedia, 2015
Abstract We evaluated the effect of ketamine-dexmedetomidine-butorphanol (K, 80 mg/kg;
D, 0.25 mg/kg, B, 0.5 mg/kg) and ketamine-medetomidine-butorphanol (K, 80 mg/kg; M, 0.25
mg/kg, B, 0.5 mg/kg) administered intraperitoneally, during anesthesia and immediate …
Pulmonary immunostimulation with MALP-2 in influenza virus-infected mice increased survival after pneumococcal superinfection
K Reppe, P Radünzel, K Dietert, T Tschernig, T Wolff… – Infection and Immunity, 2015
… Five days after IAV infection, 114 the mice were anesthetized intraperitoneally
(ip) with ketamine (80 mg/kg, Ketavet®, Pfizer, 115 … re-suspended in sterile PBS.
Mice were anesthetized ip with ketamine and xylazine and 123 …
Atorvastatin along with imipenem attenuates acute lung injury in sepsis through decrease in inflammatory mediators and bacterial load
S Choudhury, K Kannan, BS Maruti, MP Addison… – European Journal of …, 2015
… ad libitum. The animals were anesthetized by injection of xylazine (10 µg/g body
weight, intraperitoneally) and ketamine (80 µg/g body weight, intraperitoneally) and
a 2-cm ventral midline incision was performed. The cecum …
[HTML] Propylthiouracil Attenuates Experimental Pulmonary Hypertension via Suppression of Pen-2, a Key Component of Gamma-Secretase
YJ Lai, GJ Chang, YH Yeh, JHS Pang, CC Huang… – PLOS ONE, 2015
… All the surgery was performed under ketamine and xylazine ip anesthesia, and all efforts were
made to minimize suffering. Housing and maintenance was provided by Chang Gung University,
All animals were fed a standard chow diet with free access to water. …
[HTML] Serotonin 5-HT 7 receptor agonist, LP-211, exacerbates Na+, K+-ATPase/Mg 2+-ATPase imbalances in spinal cord-injured male rats
A Norouzi-Javidan, J Javanbakht, F Barati, N Fakhraei… – Diagnostic Pathology, 2015
… Animals were anesthetized by intraperitoneal injection of a mixture of ketamine hydrochloride
(75 mg/kg) and xylazine hydrochloride (5 mg/kg). … All animals were anesthetized (ketamine
hydrochloride 10 % + xylazine 2 %, in 80 and 5 mg/kg doses, respectively). …
[HTML] Interleukin-17A and Neutrophils in a Murine Model of Bird-Related Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis
M Ishizuka, Y Miyazaki, M Masuo, K Suhara, T Tateishi… – PLOS ONE, 2015
… They were then placed under light anesthesia with 100 mg/kg ketamine and 10 mg/kg xylazine,
and 5 μg of PDE in 25 μl of 0.9% saline was sprayed into each mouse’s trachea using an
intratracheal MycroSprayer® aerosolizer (Penn-century, Wyndmoor, PA, USA). …
Pertussis toxin reduces calcium influx to protect ischemic stroke in a middle cerebral artery occlusion model
Z Tang, S Li, P Han, J Yin, Y Gan, Q Liu, J Wang… – Journal of Neurochemistry, 2015
… blinded to the randomization. Permanent Middle Cerebral Artery Occlusion (pMCAO) Mice were
under Ketamine/Xylazine anesthesia (80 mg/kg Ketamine and 10mg/kg Xylazine, injected ip).
Standard aseptic surgical procedures were used throughout the procedure. The …
Radiofrequency Ablation (RFA)
Effectiveness and safety of computed tomography-guided radiofrequency ablation of renal cancer: a 14-year single institution experience in 203 patients
JD Iannuccilli, DE Dupuy, MD Beland, JT Machan… – European Radiology, 2015
Objectives To define effectiveness and safety of CT-guided radiofrequency ablation (RFA) of
renal tumours and prognostic indicators for treatment success. Methods Patients with a
single treatment of a solitary, biopsy-proven renal tumour with intent to cure over a 14-year …
Outcomes associated with ablation compared to combined ablation and transilluminated powered phlebectomy in the treatment of venous varicosities.
AT Obi, BN Reames, TJ Rook, SO Mouch, A Zarinsefat… – Phlebology/Venous Forum …, 2015
… RESULT: Venous clinical severity scores improved more with radiofrequency ablation +
transilluminated powered phlebectomy as compared to radiofrequency ablation alone
(3.8 ± 3.4 vs. 3.2 ± 3.1, p = 0.018). … radiofrequency ablation alone. …
Minimally invasive procedures for the management of vertebral bone pain due to cancer: The EAPC recommendations
S Mercadante, P Klepstad, G Paula Kurita, P Sjøgren… – Acta Oncologica, 2015
… Radiofrequency ablation (RFA). … RFA resulted more effective than radiotherapy and surgical
stabilization [99. Di Francesco A, Flamini S, Zugaro L, Zoccali C. Preoperative
radiofrequency ablation in painful osteolytic long bone metastases. …
[HTML] Efficiency and safety of radiofrequency-assisted hepatectomy for hepatocellular carcinoma with cirrhosis: A single-center retrospective cohort study
F Zhang, J Yan, XB Feng, F Xia, XW Li, KS Ma, P Bie – World J Gastroenterol, 2015
… These procedures include liver transplantation, resection, and radiofrequency ablation[ 5 ]. Liver
transplantation may be the best treatment option for cirrhotic patients with HCC because it involves
the simultaneous removal of both the cirrhotic liver and HCC[ 6 ]. However, the …
Ethanol ablation in post-biopsy liver hemorrhage following two failed Embolizations
MC Pope, DH Ballard, AL Sticker, C Ahuja… – Clinical Imaging, 2015
… C. The feeding vessels were identified and ablated with an additional 10 mL ethanol injection. …
to ultrasound-guided percutaneous ethanol injection for achieving hemostasis include techniques
such as cryoablation, radiofrequency (RF)-ablation, and cyanoacrylate glue …
[PDF] Catheter Ablation of Fascicular Ventricular Tachycardia: Long Term Clinical Outcomes and Mechanisms of Recurrence
Y Liu, Z Fang, B Yang, P Kojodjojo, H Chen, W Ju… – Circulation: Arrhythmia and …, 2015
… ablated. … Arrhythmia recurrences after an initially successful ablation were caused by recurrent
FVT involving the … Key words: ventricular tachycardia, radiofrequency, idiopathic left ventricular
tachycardia, fascicular ventricular tachycardia, outcomes, radiofrequency ablation …
Liver metastases from adenocarcinomas of unknown primary site: management and prognosis in 68 consecutive patients
E Algin, A Ozet, O Gumusay, G Yilmaz, S Buyukberber… – Wiener klinische …, 2015
… shown in Fig. 1. Among 39 patients who were managed with chemo- therapy, 12
patients received additional locoregional therapies including radiofrequency ablation
or transar- terial chemoembolization. Median OS was 9.4 …
[HTML] The Prognostic Value of Platelet Count in Patients With Hepatocellular Carcinoma: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Q Pang, K Qu, JY Zhang, SD Song, SS Liu, MH Tai… – Medicine, 2015
… Abbreviations: HBV = hepatitis B virus, HCC = hepatocellular carcinoma, HCV = hepatitis C virus,
HR = hazard ratio, MPV = mean platelet volume, OS = overall survival, PLT = platelet count, RFA =
radiofrequency ablation, RFS = recurrence-free survival, TACE = transcatheter …
Safety and Feasibility of Open Chest Epicardial Mapping and Ablation of Ventricular Tachycardia During the Period of Left Ventricular Assist Device Implantation
M Patel, F Rojas, FR Shabari, L Simpson, W Cohn… – Journal of Cardiovascular …, 2015
… Endocardial and epicardial radiofrequency ablation of ventricular tachycardia associated with
dilated cardiomyopathy: The importance of low-voltage scars. … Comparison of epicardial
cryoablation and irrigated radiofrequency ablation in a swine infarct model. …
Contact Force Variability during Catheter Ablation of Atrial Fibrillation: The Role of Atrial Rhythm and Ventricular Contractions: Co-Force AF Study
A Sarkozy, D Shah, J Saenen, J Sieira, T Phlips… – Circulation: Arrhythmia and …, 2015
… 3 Background Lesion formation by using radiofrequency (RF) current depends on the power
delivered, duration of energy application, temperature, tip size, and tip orientation. … given RF power1.
Irrigated tip ablation catheters capable of real-time CF measurement have …
[HTML] Pulmonary vein isolation using the visually guided laser balloon: a prospective, multicenter, and randomized comparison to standard radiofrequency ablation
SR Dukkipati, F Cuoco, I Kutinsky, A Aryana… – Journal of the American …, 2015
Background Balloon catheters have been designed to facilitate pulmonary vein (PV)
isolation in patients with paroxysmal atrial fibrillation (AF). The visually guided laser balloon
(VGLB) employs laser energy to ablate tissue under direct visual guidance. Objectives …
Optimal Temperature for Radiofrequency Ablation of Lumbar Medial Branches for Treatment of Facet‐Mediated Back Pain
S Costandi, M Garcia‐Jacques, T Dews, M Kot, K Wong… – Pain Practice, 2015
Background Radiofrequency ablation (RFA) of the medial branch nerves that innervate the
facet joints is a well-established treatment modality; however, studies to determine the
optimal radiofrequency ablation temperature are lacking. A wide range (70 to 90 C) has …
[HTML] Catheter Ablation of Atrial Fibrillation: Advent of Second-Generation Technologies
E Buch, K Shivkumar – Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 2015
… and wide-area isolation (5), with or without additional lesion sets targeting non-PV
foci (6) or modifying atrial substrate. All of these techniques initially used
point-by-point ablation with radiofrequency (RF) ablation catheters. …
[HTML] Computed tomography-guided percutaneous trephine removal of the nidus in osteoid osteoma patients: experience of a single center in Brazil
M Petrilli, AA Senerchia, AS Petrilli, HM Lederman… – Radiologia Brasileira, 2015
… Osteoid osteoma: CTguided percutaneous radiofrequency ablation and follow-up in 47 patients.
J Vasc Interv Radiol. 2001;12:717–722. … Peyser A, Applbaum Y, Khoury A, et al. Osteoid osteoma:
CT-guided radiofrequency ablation using a water-cooled probe. Ann Surg Oncol. …
Proton beam therapy for metastatic liver tumors
N Fukumitsu, T Okumura, D Takizawa, H Makishima… – Radiotherapy and Oncology, 2015
… The maximal diameter of the lesions was 1–18 cm (median, 4 cm). Of the 140 patients, 87
had received another form of treatment before PBT, such as chemotherapy, radiofrequency
ablation, transcatheter arterial chemoembolization, and surgery. …
Accuracy of Late Gadolinium Enhancement-Magnetic Resonance Imaging in the Measurement of Left Atrial Substrate Remodeling in Patients With Rheumatic Mitral …
D Zhu, Z Wu, RJ van der Geest, Y Luo, J Sun, J Jiang… – International Heart Journal, 2015
… We enrolled adult patients with rheumatic mitral valve disease and persistent AF who un-
derwent open-heart surgery for mitral valve replacement with concurrent radiofrequency
ablation for AF at our institution between February 2013 and March 2014. …
Predictive value of nodule size and differentiation in HCC recurrence after liver transplantation
GG Piero, P Domenico, F Di Benedetto, M Elena… – Surgical Oncology, 2015
… Generally, radiofrequency ablation (RFA) was proposed in cases of a single tumor less than 3
cm, whereas a single tumor > 3 cm or multifocal lesions in patients with impaired liver function
were directed instead to treatment with trans-arterial chemoembolization (TACE). …
Radiofrequency ablation or stripping of large-diameter incompetent great saphenous varicose veins with C2 or C3 disease
EV Shaidakov, AG Grigoryan, EA Ilyukhin, VL Bulatov… – Journal of Vascular Surgery: …, 2015
Objective The objectives of this study were to compare the results of radiofrequency ablation
(RFA) and stripping for large-diameter varicose target veins for the period of 1 year, based
on a composite end point; to analyze the pain severity on a digital rating scale for 7 days …
Clinical outcomes and risk factors of hepatocellular carcinoma treated by liver transplantation: A multi-centre comparison of living donor and deceased donor …
Z Hu, Z Qian, J Wu, J Zhou, M Zhang, L Zhou, S Zheng – Clinics and Research in …, 2015
… HCC: hepatocellular carcinoma; LDLT: living donor liver transplantation; DDLT: deceased donor
liver transplantation; GWRW: graft weight/recipient weight; TACE: transcatheter arterial
chemoembolisation; RFA: radiofrequency ablation; PEI: percutaneous ethanol injection; ICU …
[PDF] Hepatocellular carcinoma treatment strategies–a case-based review
R Alves, MT Gomes, CS Macedo, HP Miranda, F Nery – Journal of Solid Tumors, 2015
… Resection techniques have been refined, from the use of new radiofrequency ablation resection
devices to laparoscopic approaches, both showing to diminished blood loss [1, 2]. A recent
meta-analysis showed that laparoscopic approach decreases blood loss, transfusion …
Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS/RSD)
Skin sympathetic function in complex regional pain syndrome type 1
A Poudel, M Asahina, Y Fujinuma, Y Yamanaka… – Clinical Autonomic …, 2015
… 10.1007/s10286-015-0314-x. Copyright information. Abstract. Purpose. Cutaneous
sympathetic pathophysiology in complex regional pain syndrome type 1 (CRPS-1) is
not yet completely understood. To evaluate cutaneous sympathetic …
Substance P spinal signaling induces glial activation and nociceptive sensitization after fracture
WW Li, TZ Guo, X Shi, Y Sun, T Wei, DJ Clark… – Neuroscience, 2015
… hypersensitivity. Abstract. Tibia fracture in rodents induces substance P
(SP)-dependent keratinocyte activation and inflammatory changes in the hindlimb,
similar to those seen in complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS). In …
Economic impact of mgnregp on rural livelihood security in tumkur district, karnataka–a sam analysis
CHR Gowda – 2015
… Item Type: Thesis (Masters). Divisions: RP-Market Institutions and Policies. CRPS: CGIAR
Research Program on Policies, Institutions, and Markets. Uncontrolled Keywords: Economic
Impact, MGNREGP, Rural Livelihood Security, Karnataka, SAM analysis. …
[PDF] DMSA-coated Iron Oxide Nanoparticle Greatly Affect the Expression of Genes Coding Cysteine-rich Proteins by its DMSA Coating
L Zhang, X Wang, J Zou, Y Liu, J Wang – Chemical Research in Toxicology, 2015
… times. The results revealed that about one fourth of DEGs coded cysteine-rich proteins
(CRPs) in all cells under each treatment, indicating that the nanoparticles greatly
affected the expressions of CRP-coding genes. Additionally …
Changing appearance using visual illusions improves ownership of the painful hand in complex regional pain syndrome
J Lewis, C McCabe, R Newport – 2015
… Abstract. Background and aims People with Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS)
experience a diminished sense of ownership of their painful limb. … Thirty nine patients with CRPS
of one arm were randomly allocated to either a control or experimental group. …
The role of genetically‐engineered pigs in xenotransplantation research
DKC Cooper, B Ekser, J Ramsoondar, C Phelps… – The Journal of Pathology, 2015
… This is because of the expression of human complement-regulatory proteins (CRPs) on the
surface of vascular endothelial cells. Pigs have similar CRPs, but these are relatively inefficient
at protecting the pig cells from human complement-mediated injury [13]. …
Individuality: How knowledge of body perception disturbance can inform treatment
J Lewis – 2015
… Lewis, J. (2015) Individuality: How knowledge of body perception disturbance can inform
treatment. In: International Association of the Study of Pain (IASP) CRPS SIG, Zurich, Switzerland,
31 August – 1 September 2015. [img] Preview. PDF 1MB. Abstract. …
Spinal Cord Stimulation (SCS) and Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI): Modulation of Cortical Connectivity With Therapeutic SCS
M Deogaonkar, M Sharma, C Oluigbo, DM Nielson… – … : Technology at the Neural …, 2015
… Methods. Ten patients with complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) or neuropathic leg pain
underwent thoracic epidural spinal cord stimulator implantation. Stimulation parameters associated
with “optimal” pain reduction were evaluated prior to imaging studies. …
[PDF] Similarity-based semi-local estimation of EMOS models
S Lerch, S Baran – arXiv preprint arXiv:1509.03521, 2015
… The most popular scoring rules providing summary measures of predictive performance are the
logarithmic score, ie, the negative logarithm of the predictive PDF evaluated at the verifying
observation, and the continuous ranked probability score (CRPS; Gneiting and Raftery …
Review of Plastic Surgery
DW Buck II – 2015
[PDF] Independent CRP-Commissioned External Evaluation of the CGIAR Research Program on Agriculture for Nutrition and Health (A4NH)
J Compton, D McLean, B Emmens, M Balagamwala – 2015
… development partners (IFPRI, 2011). CRPs are not legal entities and therefore legal
and financial responsibility for A4NH ultimately rests with the lead CGIAR Center
and its Board of Trustees (IFPRI- BOT). 2. IFPRI is legally …
[PDF] Chronic pain treatment and scrambler therapy: a multicenter retrospective analysis
C Compagnone, F Tagliaferri – Acta Bio Medica Atenei Parmensis, 2015
… Different diseases could lead to neuro- pathic pain including postsurgical pain, post-herpetic
neuralgia (PHN), spinal cord stenosis (SCS), Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS), Diabetic
peripheral neuropathy (DPN), and chemotherapy induced pe- ripheral neuropathy. …
Traumatic Life Events and Psychopathology in a High Risk, Ethnically Diverse Sample of Young Children: A Person-Centered Approach
MJ Hagan, MJ Sulik, AF Lieberman – Journal of abnormal child psychology, 2015
… Conditional response probabilities (CRPs) are defined as the probability that an
individual from a specific latent class will endorse an item. CRPs provide … across
classes. CRPs for the exploratory LCA model are shown in Fig. …
Two placebo-controlled, randomized withdrawal studies to evaluate the fentanyl 1-day patch in opioid-naïve patients with chronic pain
T Arai, Y Kashimoto, Y Ukyo, Y Tominaga, K Imanaka – Current Medical Research …, 2015
… study]) and the other study included opioid-naïve subjects with neuropathic pain (post- herpetic
neuralgia, complex regional pain syndrome [CRPS], or chronic postoperative pain; … included: had
osteoarthritis, low back pain, post-herpetic neuralgia, CRPS, or chronic …
[PDF] Challenges of Peripheral Nerve Stimulator Implantation in a Patient with New Onset Thrombocytopenia
S Thompson
… We present a patient with complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS)-like symptoms of the lateral
femoral cutaneous nerve after laparoscopic hysterectomy who underwent successful
ultrasound-guided PNS trial using SCS leads and unfortunate delayed implantation due to …
Improving student learning via mobile phone video content: Evidence from the BridgeIT India project
M Wennersten, ZB Quraishy, M Velamuri – International Review of Education
[PDF] The Association Between Soft Tissue Releases and Bony Resections Performed During Total Knee Arthroplasty and Patients’ Pain and Satisfaction Postoperatively
M Carter – 2015
Page 1. Western University Scholarship@Western Electronic Thesis and Dissertation Repository
September 2015 The Association Between Soft Tissue Releases and Bony Resections Performed
During Total Knee Arthroplasty and Patients’ Pain and Satisfaction …
[PDF] Parthasarathy Rao and Cynthia Bantilan. 2015. Grain Legumes Production, Consumption and Trade Trends in Developing Countries
S Nedumaran, P Abinaya, P Jyosthnaa, B Shraavya
… Markets (PIM). Financial support by CRPs Grain Legumes and Policies, Institutions
and Markets are gratefully acknowledged. This working paper has gone through
the standard peer-review procedure of ICRISAT. The authors …
AR Rezai, M Deogaonkar – US Patent 20,150,251,008, 2015
… In subjects with fibromyalgia as well as other conditions (eg, hot flashes, CRPS, etc.),
clinicians have used pharmacological blockade of the sympathetic nervous system, and
in particular the stellate ganglion, to achieve some clinical benefit. …
Psychiatric Disorders in Young Adults Diagnosed with Juvenile Fibromyalgia in Adolescence.
NR Cunningham, ST Tran, AM Lynch-Jordan, TV Ting… – The Journal of …, 2015
OBJECTIVE: Adolescents with juvenile-onset fibromyalgia (JFM) have increased rates of
psychiatric disorders, but to our knowledge no studies have examined psychiatric disorders
in adolescents with JFM when they enter young adulthood. This study examined the …
Fibromyalgia beyond reductionism. Heart rhythm fractal analysis to assess autonomic nervous system resilience
C Lerma, LA Martinez-Martinez, N Ruiz, A Vargas… – Scandinavian Journal of …, 2015
Objectives: The prevailing linear reductionist medical model seems unable to explain
complex multisymptomatic illnesses such as fibromyalgia (FM) and similar maladies.
Paradigms derived from the complexity theory may provide a coherent framework for …
Exploring the role of peripheral mechanisms: An evaluation of a theory-based approach to reducing symptoms of fibromyalgia
K Mooney – 2015
Abstract: This mixed method study presented an integrative approach for the treatment of
fibromyalgia, the rationale that justifies the approach, and an evaluation of two integrated
components of this protocol designed to mitigate symptoms of fibromyalgia. Considering …
Chronic Widespread Back Pain is Distinct from Chronic Local Back Pain: Evidence from Quantitative Sensory Testing, Pain Drawings, and Psychometrics.
A Gerhardt, W Eich, S Janke, S Leisner, RD Treede… – The Clinical journal of pain, 2015
… Therefore, this study compared quantitative-sensory-testing (QST) profiles of
non-specific chronic back pain patients with CLP (n=48) and CWP (n=29) with
pain-free controls (PCs, n=40) and Fibromyalgia patients (FMS, n=90). …
Meta-analytic evidence for decreased heart rate variability in chronic pain implicating parasympathetic nervous system dysregulation.
LM Tracy, L Ioannou, KS Baker, SJ Gibson… – PAIN, 2015
… frequency HRV in chronic pain, implicating a decrease in parasympathetic activation.
These effects were heavily influenced by fibromyalgia studies. Future research would
benefit from wider use of standardised definitions of …
[HTML] Analgesic effect of cathodal transcranial current stimulation over right dorsolateral prefrontal cortex in subjects with muscular temporomandibular disorders: study …
RA Brandão Filho, AF Baptista, RAFS Brandão… – Trials, 2015
… In a fibromyalgia study using transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS), the authors found higher
thresholds in both sides of the resting motor cortex with lower up regulation responses.
Furthermore, they found lower intracortical facilitation and inhibition. …
Clinical Research Methodology 1: Study Designs and Methodologic Sources of Error
DI Sessler, PB Imrey – Anesthesia & Analgesia, 2015
… The distinction can be nonobvious. For example, consider a study in which investigators compared
anesthetic requirement in patients with and without fibromyalgia. … But, in fact, fibromyalgia is the
exposure in this study and anesthetic requirement is the outcome. …
[HTML] Economic evaluation in chronic pain: a systematic review and de novo flexible economic model
W Sullivan, M Hirst, S Beard, D Gladwell, F Fagnani… – The European Journal of …, 2015
… While the attributes and management of specific diseases associated with chronic pain, such
as fibromyalgia and osteoarthritis, and different analgesic requirements for neuropathic versus
other chronic pain may have justifiably led to modelling heterogeneity, clinical …
[PDF] Evaluation of the Immediate Effect of Auricular Acupuncture on Pain and Electromyographic Activity of the Upper Trapezius Muscle in Patients with Nonspecific Neck …
ACO Silva, DA Biasotto-Gonzalez, DM Santos… – … -Based Complementary and …, 2015
… NS-NP could contribute to the following: (i) a standardization of the points to be used as stimuli
for the treatment of abnormalities caused in this muscle by mechanical injuries, myofacial tension
(with or without trigger-points), and systemic diseases such as fibromyalgia; (ii) an …
Ehlers Danlos syndrome and gastrointestinal manifestations: a 20‐year experience at Mayo Clinic
AD Nelson, MA Mouchli, N Valentin, D Deyle… – Neurogastroenterology & …, 2015
… hernia,[7] rectal evacuation disorder,[8] diverticulosis, gastritis,[9] constipation, diarrhea, nausea,
vomiting, abdominal pain, and reflux disease.[10] Several non-musculoskeletal symptoms often
found in patients with functional GI disorders such as fibromyalgia, fatigue, cognitive …
[HTML] Real-life assessment of the validity of patient global impression of change in fibromyalgia
E Rampakakis, PA Ste-Marie, JS Sampalis, A Karellis… – RMD Open, 2015
Objectives Patient Global Rating of Change (GRC) scales are commonly used in routine
clinical care given their ease of use, availability and short completion time. This analysis
aimed at assessing the validity of Patient Global Impression of Change (PGIC), a GRC …
[HTML] Increased Risk of Coronary Heart Disease in Patients with Primary Fibromyalgia and Those with Concomitant Comorbidity—A Taiwanese Population-Based Cohort …
CH Su, JH Chen, JL Lan, YC Wang, CH Tseng, CY Hsu… – PLOS ONE, 2015
Objectives Fibromyalgia has seldom been associated with coronary heart disease (CHD).
The aim of this study was to evaluate the risk of CHD in patients with fibromyalgia. Methods
We used a dataset of one million participants, systemically scrambled from the Taiwanese …
[HTML] Group cognitive-behavioral therapy for chronic pain adults: review of Brazilian trials
LF Kirchner, CC Jorge, MJD Reis – Revista Dor, 2015
… 26 . With regard to studied population, table 1 shows predominance of females in all studies,
being fibromyalgia (FM) the most frequent diagnosis. Nevertheless, literature … assertiveness,
3. (6 to 8), Fibromyalgia (100%), VAS. LSSI. RAS. Lorençatto …
[HTML] Chronic Pain Pharmacological Treatment in Patients with Depressive Disorders
C Aurilio, MC Pace, MB Passavanti, V Pota, P Sansone… – Journal of Psychiatry, 2015
… Patients with fibromyalgia present a reduced dopamine presynaptic activity in great many
brain regions, included hippocampus. Neurocircuits and neurochemistry. … [50] published
a review on amitriptyline for neuropathic pain and fibromyalgia. …
Medical Marijuana Patient Counseling Points for Healthcare Professionals Based on Trends in the Medical Uses, Efficacy, and Adverse Effects of Cannabis-Based …
JR Parmar, BD Forrest, RA Freeman – Research in Social and Administrative …, 2015
… All three medications have similarly been used in improving sleep, fibromyalgia, rheumatoid
arthritis associated pain, and spasticity in MS. A complete list of medical uses and included
publications can be reviewed in Table 5. Table 5. … Fibromyalgia, 1 16, 16, …
Identification and description of controlled clinical trials published in Physiotherapy journals in Spain
M Turrillas, M Sitjà‐Rabert, H Pardo… – Journal of Evaluation in …, 2015
… 16.7% of the identified studies were multicentric. Traumatology and orthopaedics was the most
studied field (33.3%) followed by neurology (15.4%). The most researched health problems were
back pain (17.24%) fibromyalgia, arthrosis and stroke (6.8% each). …
[HTML] Serum calprotectin (S100A8/9): an independent predictor of ultrasound synovitis in patients with rheumatoid arthritis
J Hurnakova, J Zavada, P Hanova, H Hulejova, M Klein… – Arthritis Research & …, 2015
… which is obtained by using several composite indexes [4–7]. Nevertheless, a clinical examination
might lack sensitivity in patients with mild synovitis, be limited in patients with established
deformities, and be overestimated in patients with concomitant fibromyalgia or other …
[HTML] Systematic review of the measurement properties of self-report physical activity questionnaires in healthy adult populations
Z Silsbury, R Goldsmith, A Rushton – BMJ Open, 2015
… 6 The review found strong evidence for effectiveness within cardiovascular disease, type 2
diabetes and obesity; and strong evidence for improved symptom management and quality of
life for patients with cancer, osteoarthritis, osteoporosis, fibromyalgia and depression. …
[PDF] Chronic pain treatment and scrambler therapy: a multicenter retrospective analysis
C Compagnone, F Tagliaferri – Acta Bio Medica Atenei Parmensis, 2015
… JOP 2003; 4 (1): 1-10. 4. Moore RA, Derry S, Aldington D, Cole P, Wiffen PJ. Ami- triptyline for
neuropathic pain and fibromyalgia in adults. … Review. 5. Moore RA, Wiffen PJ, Derry S, Toelle
T, Rice AS. Gabapen- tin for chronic neuropathic pain and fibromyalgia in adults. …
Illness deception
SB Nimmo – Occupational Medicine, 2015
… In a survey of US neuropsychologists, prevalence of malingering and symptom exaggeration
was found to be minor head injury 39%, fibromyalgia/chronic fatigue syndrome 35%, chronic
pain 31%, personal injury cases 29%, disability or workers compensation 30% and …
by admin | Aug 13, 2015 | Uncategorized
Weekly Breaking Research Updates
Scientific breakthroughs happen every day! In an effort to help our patients stay up to speed on the most cutting edge treatment options available for them, our scientists monitor current research and publish weekly research updates. The title of each article below is a link to the full study report. If you’d like to make an appointment with Dr. Hanna to discuss your treatment options, please contact us.
[HTML] Which Sedation is more Appropriate during Spinal Anesthesia: Propofol or Ketamine-Propofol Combination
H Güleç, ZB Tutal, M Şahap, M Babayiğit, H İnceöz… – Anaesth Pain & Intensive …, 2015
ABSTRACT Background and objective: Spinal anesthesia is a preferred method in daily
practice as it provides muscle relaxation and maintains spontaneous respiration during
surgical procedures. Opiods, midazolam, ketamine, propofol and dexmedetomidine are …
[PDF] Evaluation of Use of Ketamine Hydrochloride for Induction of Anaesthesia in Rabbits with Experimentally Induced Unilateral Ureteral Obstruction
RI Udegbunam, KC Ogbanya, SO Udegbunam… – 2015
ABSTRACT This study investigated the anaesthetic characteristics of ketamine
hydrochloride in rabbits with Unilateral Ureteral Obstruction (UUO). Two groups of rabbits (B
and C) were anaesthetized with 30 mg kgG1 ketamine intravenously (IV) on days 7 and …
Case 62: What Are the Safety Data for This Formulation?
JG Brock-Utne – Clinical Research, 2015
… Discussion We were faced with this problem when we wanted to use ketamine intrathecally. …
References 1. Brock-Utne JG, Mankowitz E, Kallichurum S, Downing JW. Effects of intrathecal
saline and ketamine with or without preservatives on the spinal nerve roots of monkeys. …
[HTML] Ligands Binding to Cell Surface Ganglioside GD2 Cause Src-Dependent Activation of N-Methyl-D-Aspartate Receptor Signaling and Changes in Cellular Morphology
W Tong, M Maira, M Gagnon, HU Saragovi – PLOS ONE, 2015
… For pharmacological inhibition, the Src kinase inhibitor PP2 (20 μM) (Enzo Life Science),
NMDA-R antagonist ketamine (Bioniche Animal Health) (20 μM) or the PKA inhibitor H-89 (Sigma)
(20 ng/ml) were added to the resting cells 30 minutes before the indicated treatments. …
[PDF] Development of Certified Reference Materials of Drug Abuse (Heroin, Etc) for Elimination of Measurement Error in Forensic Drugs
F Su, X Dai, H Li – Pharm Anal Acta, 2015
… For the first time, we developed 9 illicit drug CRMs, including methamphetamine, heroin,
ketamine and others. … CRMs Column Mobile phase Acetonitrile:water Flow Rate (mL/min)
Injection volume(uL) DAD (nm) Ketamine hydrochloride a 40:60* 1.5 20 210 …
[HTML] AdHu5Ag85A Respiratory Mucosal Boost Immunization Enhances Protection against Pulmonary Tuberculosis in BCG-Primed Non-Human Primates
M Jeyanathan, Z Shao, X Yu, R Harkness, R Jiang, J Li… – PLOS ONE, 2015
… Animals were euthanized first by anesthesia with ketamine (im 10 mg/kg) and then by a lethal
dose injection of sodium pentobarbital (iv 100 mg/kg). Experimental animals and handling. …
Animals were anesthetized with ketamine (10 mg/kg) before handling. …
The relative contribution of urine extravasation to elevate plasma creatinine levels in acute unilateral ureteral obstruction.
ME Chua, J Mendoza, IV See, E Esmena, D Aguila… – Canadian Urological …, 2015
… Under sedation with isoflurane inhalation, all rats were subsequently anesthetized with
intraperitoneal (IP) ketamine (100 mg/kg) plus xylazine (15 mg/kg) after being preopera- tively
hydrated by subcutaneous injection of 5 cc saline mixed with indigo carmine (5,5 …
FP Caronia, D Loizzi, A Fiorelli – Interactive CardioVascular and Thoracic Surgery, 2015
… During the procedure the patient remained awake in conscious sedation achieved by bolus
of ketamine and midazolam. … During the entire procedure the patient remained awake in
conscious sedation achieved by bolus of ketamine and midazolam. …
[HTML] Neural Resolution of Formant Frequencies in the Primary Auditory Cortex of Rats
C Honey, J Schnupp – PLOS ONE, 2015
… Anesthesia was induced by intraperitoneal injection of ketamine (Ketaset; Fort Dodge Animal
Health, Overland Park, Kansas, USA) and medetomidine (Domitor, Pfizer, Walton Oaks, Surrey,
UK), and maintained with intraperitoneal infusions of ketamine, medetomidine and …
Aerobic training normalizes autonomic dysfunction, HMGB1 content, microglia activation and inflammation in hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus of SHR
GS Masson, AR Nair, PPS Soares, LC Michelini… – American Journal of …, 2015
… Analysis of Cardiovascular Parameters and Baroreflex Function 135 At the end of the protocols,
rats were anaesthetized (ketamine, 80−1 plus 136 … calculated as BrS = –(P2×P3)/4. 152
After the physiologic measurements, animals were anesthetized (ketamine, 80 153 …
Combination of intravenous S-ketamine and oral tranylcypromine in treatment-resistant depression: A case report
L Bartova, SE Vogl, M Stamenkovic… – European …, 2015
Abstract Ketamine, a rapid-acting antidepressant and anti-suicidal agent, is thought to
increase brain monoamine levels by enhancing monoamine release or inhibiting
presynaptic monoamine-reuptake. Here we present two female inpatients suffering from …
Ketamine Abuse Syndrome: Hepatobiliary and Urinary Pathology Among Adolescents in Flushing, NY.
JW Wang, V Kivovich, L Gordon – Pediatric Emergency Care, 2015
Objectives: Ketamine is a recreational drug widely abused in East Asia and also in certain
subpopulations of the United States. Many US clinicians are unaware of abuse symptoms,
leading to misdiagnosis and missed opportunities for intervention. We will discuss clinical …
Ketamine Abuse Syndrome
JW Wang, V Kivovich, L Gordon – 2015
Objectives: Ketamine is a recreational drug widely abused in East Asia and also in certain
subpopulations of the United States. Many US clinicians are unaware of abuse symptoms,
leading to misdiagnosis and missed opportunities for intervention. We will discuss clinical …
Ondasetron Is More Likely Than Ketamine to Cause Ventricular Tachycardia
P Marzuillo, I Rabach, E Barbi – Pediatric Emergency Care, 2015
We read with interest the article published in the October 2014 issue of Pediatric Emergency
Care entitled “Ventricular tachycardia after ketamine sedation for fracture reduction.” Stukus
et al 1 described a 10-year-old female patient who experienced asymptomatic ventricular …
The development of paper microfluidic devices for presumptive drug detection.
G Musile, L Wang, J Bottoms, F Tagliaro, B McCord – Analytical Methods, 2015
… different lanes. A different colorimetric reaction occurs within each lane, permitting
the multiplexed detection of a variety of different compounds, including cocaine,
opiates, ketamine, and various phenethyl amines. Furthermore …
[PDF] GLP-1 increases pre-ovulatory LH source and the number of mature follicles, as well as synchronizing the onset of puberty in female rats
V Outeiriño-Iglesias, M Romaní-Pérez… – Endocrinology, 2015
… bregma. Cannulation was performed under ketamine/xylazine anesthesia (50
mg/kg and 5 mg/kg, respectively) and the correct placement of the cannula was
confirmed by postmortem injection of trypan- blue 0.5% (Sigma, St. …
[HTML] Bispectral index-guided induction of anesthesia by ketofol infusion provides the same cardiovascular stability like that of etomidate infusion
HF Soliman – Ain-Shams Journal of Anaesthesiology, 2015
… Get Permissions. Abstract, Introduction Various techniques have been tried to maintain
cardiovascular stability with anesthesia induction. This study compares the cardiovascular effects
of propofol-ketamine mixture versus etomidate during the induction of anesthesia. …
[PDF] Anti-osteoporotic activity of ethanol extract of Terminalia arjuna (Roxb.) Wight & Arn. on ovariectomized rats
A Trivedi, HR Katti, MH Shalavadi, A Ramkishan… – Indian Journal of Natural …, 2015
… Estrogen and Ketamine obtained from Neon Laboratories Ltd. Mumbai, India. … After seven days
of acclimation, the rats were ovariectomized or Sham operated and then anesthetized with
Ketamine HCL (50 mg/kg, ip); the ovaries were removed bilaterally. …
[HTML] Long-Term Extensive Ectopic Hair Growth on the Spinal Cord of Mice from Transplanted Whisker Follicles
W Cao, L Li, S Mii, Y Amoh, F Liu, RM Hoffman – PloS one, 2015
… Animals were anesthetized by intramuscular injection of a 0.02 ml solution of 20 mg/kg
ketamine, 15.2 mg/kg xylazine, and 0.48 mg/kg acepromazine maleate. … Non-transgenic nude
mice were anesthetized with a ketamine mixture (described above). …
Retinal functional alterations in mice lacking intermediate filament proteins glial fibrillary acidic protein and vimentin
KA Wunderlich, N Tanimoto, A Grosche, E Zrenner… – The FASEB Journal, 2015
… Mice were dark- adapted (DA) overnight before the experiments and anesthetized with a
subcutaneous injection of a mixture of ketamine, xylazine, and physiologic saline. Ketamine
and xylazine were given at 66.7 and 11.7 mg/kg body weight, respectively. …
Radiofrequency Ablation (RFA)
[PDF] Electrophysiological Bases of Torsion and Suction in the Continuous Cardiac Band Model
J Trainini, B Elencwajg, N López-Cabanillas… – Anat Physiol, 2015
… early diastolic filling by the suction effect. We investigated the electrophysiological
basis of this mechanism, by electroanatomical left ventricular endoepicardial mapping
(EEM) in five patients, during radiofrequency ablation. …
Uninterrupted Apixaban Safe and Effective in AF Ablation
EH Nichols – MD Conference Express, 2015
… Summary. According to a multicenter, prospective registry study, uninterrupted apixaban used
in the periprocedural setting of radiofrequency catheter ablation in patients with atrial fibrillation
does not increase the risk of bleeding compared with uninterrupted warfarin. …
Lateral Femoral Cutaneous Nerve Block
P Tumber, PWH Peng – Regional Nerve Blocks in Anesthesia and Pain …, 2015
… Pain Pract. 2011;11(3):302–8.PubMedView Article; 15. Fowler IM, Tucker AA, Mendez RJ.
Treatment of meralgia paresthetica with ultrasound-guided pulsed radiofrequency ablation of
the lateral femoral cutaneous nerve. Pain Pract. 2012;12(5):394–8.PubMedView Article. …
Sacroiliac Joint
PWH Peng – Regional Nerve Blocks in Anesthesia and Pain …, 2015
… Am J Phys Med Rehabil. 2006;85:997–1006.PubMedView Article; 6. Roberts S, Burnham R,
Ravichandiran K, Agur A, Loh E. Cadaveric study of sacroiliac joint innervation: implications
for diagnostic blocks and radiofrequency ablation. Reg Anesth Pain Med. …
Ilioinguinal, Iliohypogastric, and Genitofemoral Nerve Blocks
D Bugada, PWH Peng – Regional Nerve Blocks in Anesthesia and Pain …, 2015
… 2014;2014:371703. doi:10. 1155/ 2014/ 371703.PubMed CentralPubMed; 47. Terkawi AS,
Romdhane K. Ultrasound-guided pulsed radiofrequency ablation of the genital branch of the
genitofemoral nerve for treatment of intractable orchalgia. Saudi J Anaesth. …
[HTML] Neoplastic disease after liver transplantation: focus on de novo neoplasms
P Burra, KI Rodríguez-Castro – World J Gastroenterol, 2015
… Prognosis seems dismal according to reported cases, despite tapering of
immunosuppression, transarterial chemoembolization, radiofrequency ablation, hepatic
resection, or retransplantation. Strategies for preventing this neoplasm …
Pediatric Nuclear Medicine
PJ Koo, FD Grant – Nuclear Medicine and PET/CT Cases, 2015
European Heart Rhythm Society, EHRA EUROPACE-CARDIOSTIM2015
RP Giugliano, S Bansilal, MP Bonaca, M Cavender… – MD Conference Express, 2015
… Two registry studies examined the use of non–vitamin K antagonist oral anticoagulant
use in patients with atrial fibrillation (AF) undergoing radiofrequency catheter ablation
(RFA). The first determined that AF patients can safely …
[HTML] Propensity Score Matching Analysis of Changes in Alpha-Fetoprotein Levels after Combined Radiotherapy and Transarterial Chemoembolization for Hepatocellular …
Y Jeong, SM Yoon, S Han, JH Shim, KM Kim, YS Lim… – PLOS ONE, 2015
Advertisement. …
Iron Oxide Based Nanoparticles for Multimodal Imaging and Magnetoresponsive Therapy
N Lee, D Yoo, D Ling, MH Cho, T Hyeon, J Cheon – Chemical Reviews, 2015
… When a resonant radiofrequency is irradiated, the nucleus absorbs the energy and the
number of the spins with a higher-energy state increases. … During the relaxation process,
the excited nuclei emit a weak radiofrequency that can be detected. …
… Radiofrequency Ablation: Comparison of Transarterial Chemoembolization Alone and Combined Therapy with Transarterial Chemoembolization and Radiofrequency …
D Hyun, SK Cho, SW Shin, KB Park, HS Park… – CardioVascular and …, 2015
Purpose To report the results of combined therapy with transarterial chemoembolization
(TACE) and radiofrequency ablation (RFA) for early stage hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC)
considered infeasible for ultrasound (US)-guided RFA in comparison with those of TACE …
The procedure outcome of laparoscopic resection for’small’hepatocellular carcinoma is comparable to vlaparoscopic radiofrequency ablation
M Casaccia, G Santori, G Bottino, P Diviacco… – 2015
Background: The aim of this study was to compare the effectiveness of laparoscopic liver
resection (LLR) and laparoscopic radiofrequency ablation (LRFA) in the treatment of small
nodular hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). Patients And Methods: We enrolled 50 cirrhotic …
PTH-177 Radiofrequency ablation for complicated barrett’s oesophagus: experience of a tertiary centre in northern ireland at 5 years
P Hall, O Reed, I Mainie – Gut, 2015
Abstract Introduction The 2013 British Society of Gastroenterology (BSG) guideline supports
first line use of endoscopic therapy in patients with dysplastic Barrett’s oesophagus or
intramucosal carcinoma (IMC). 1 Endoscopic mucosal resection (EMR) and …
Observations on Attenuation of Local Electrogram Amplitude and Circuit Impedance During Atrial Radiofrequency Ablation: An In vivo Investigation Using a Novel …
A Bhaskaran, W Chik, C Nalliah, J Pouliopoulos… – Journal of Cardiovascular …, 2015
Aims To define the temporal characteristics of atrial lesion growth (lesion surface area), local
electrogram amplitude attenuation and circuit impedance decrement during in vivo Radio
Frequency (RF) ablation with direct endocardial visualization (DEV).
[HTML] Intraductal Radiofrequency Ablation Followed by Locoregional Tumor Treatments for Treating Occluded Biliary Stents in Non-Resectable Malignant Biliary Obstruction …
XH Duan, YL Wang, XW Han, JZ Ren, TF Li, JH Zhang… – PloS one, 2015
Objectives To determine the safety and feasibility of intraductal radiofrequency ablation
(RFA) followed by locoregional tumor treatments in patients with non-resectable malignant
biliary obstruction and stent re-occlusion. Methods Fourteen patients with malignant biliary …
Sorafenib combined with radiofrequency ablation in the treatment of a patient with renal cell carcinoma plus primary hepatocellular carcinoma
G Gang, Y Hongkai, Z Xu – 2015
The combination of renal cell carcinoma (RCC) and hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is
extremely rare, and the prognosis for patients with these two cancers is poor. In the past
decade, molecular targeted therapy and radiofrequency ablation (RFA) have emerged …
MA Lupo – Endocrine Practice, 2015
Welcome to the new Endocrine Practice website. Click HERE to access your account and reset
your password if this is your first visit. The IP ranges for your institution have already been added
to your account. You may wish to review this information under the Institutional …
[PDF] Clinical Effect of Percutaneous Radiofrequency Ablation for Residual Lung Metastases from Breast Cancer After Systemic Chemotherapy
Y Wang, X Lu, Y Wang, J Zhou – Journal of the College of Physicians and Surgeons …, 2015
Breast Cancer (BC) is the most common malignant tumor in women and it is the leading cause
of death in women.1 The earliest and most frequent site of BC metastasis is the lungs and
bones, and no more than 5 – 20% of cases have only liver metastases.2 Metastatic BC …
Recanalization of obstructed metallic uncovered biliary stent using endobiliary radiofrequency ablation
N Musquer, E Ménager Tabourel, D Luet… – Gastrointestinal Endoscopy, 2015
We present the case of a 57-year-old woman with a history of hilar cholangiocarcinoma type
3A of the Bismuth classification. A right hepatectomy after right portal embolization was
planned. Finally, because peritoneal carcinomatosis was diagnosed during surgery, a …
Ventricular premature depolarization ablation and reversal of nonischemic cardiomyopathy
RC Arroyo, S Maeda, BP Betensky, P Santangeli, D Lin… – Interventional Cardiology, 2015
… 4.4 cm. CM: Cardiomyopathy; LVDD: Left ventricular end-diastolic dimension; LVEF:
Left ventricular ejection fraction; RFA: Radiofrequency ablation; VPD: Ventricular
premature depolarization. Ventricular premature depolarization …
Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS/RSD)
Lumbar Plexus and Femoral Nerve Block. Traditional and Ultrasound Guided Techniques
D Jankovic, J Kessler, AT Gray – Regional Nerve Blocks in Anesthesia and Pain …, 2015
… 5. Arterial occlusive disease and poor perfusion in the lower extremities. 6. Complex regional
pain syndrome (CRPS) types I and II. 7. Postamputation pain. 8. … 3. Prophylaxis against complex
regional pain syndrome (CRPS). Contraindications. Specific. 1. …
Superior Cervical Ganglion Block
D Jankovic – Regional Nerve Blocks in Anesthesia and Pain …, 2015
… Therapeutic [ 3 ]. 1. Migraine [ 4 ], cluster headache, and headaches of cervical origin. 2. Complex
regional pain syndrome (CRPS) in the head region. 3. Perfusion disturbances and vasospastic
diseases. 4. Central poststroke syndrome (contralateral block!). 5. Facial pain. 6. …
Brachial Plexus Blocks Above the Clavicle Traditional Techniques
D Jankovic – Regional Nerve Blocks in Anesthesia and Pain …, 2015
… 10–20 mL local anesthetic – eg, 0.2–0.375 % ropivacaine or 0.25 % bupivacaine (0.25 %
levobupivacaine) in post-herpetic neuralgia, vascular diseases and injuries, complex
regional pain syndrome (CRPS) types I and II, post-amputation pain. …
Stellate Ganglion Block
A Bhatia, PWH Peng – Regional Nerve Blocks in Anesthesia and Pain …, 2015
… AACN Clin Issues. 2005;16:320–32.PubMedView Article; 25. Stanton-Hicks MD, Burton
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[HTML] The efficacy of different doses of Midazolam added to Lidocaine for upper extremity Bier block on the sensory and motor block characteristics and postoperative pain
A Honarmand, M Safavi, K Nemati, P Oghab – Journal of Research in Pharmacy …, 2015
… 24. 25. Coderre TJ, Xanthos DN, Francis L, Bennett GJ. Chronic post-ischemia pain (CPIP): A
novel animal model of complex regional pain syndrome-type I (CRPS-I; reflex sympathetic
dystrophy) produced by prolonged hindpaw ischemia and reperfusion in the rat. …
Complications of Peripheral Nerve Blocks
D Xu, A Hadzic – Regional Nerve Blocks in Anesthesia and Pain …, 2015
… Coderre TJ, Xanthos DN, Francis L, Bennett GJ. Chronic post–ischemia pain (CPIP): a novel
animal model of complex regional pain syndrome–type I (CRPS–I; reflex sympathetic dystrophy)
produced by prolonged hindpaw ischemia and reperfusion in the rat. Pain. …
Functional neurological symptoms
A Carson, J Stone – Landmark Papers in Neurology, 2015
[PDF] ifssh
H THeRAPy looK liKe iN, C TReATmeNT
Page 1. ifssh ezine CoNNeCTiNG ouR GloBAl HAND suRGeRy FAmily volume 5 issue 3 aUgUSt 2015 WHAT Does THe PRACTiCe oF HAND
THeRAPy looK liKe iN iFsHT memBeR CouNTRies? CoNseRvATive …
Preparation of polydimethylaminoethyl methacrylate grafted attapulgite via ceric ion‐induced redox polymerization
H Xu, H Yang, S Xue, J Pan, Q Ni, F Gong – Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2015
… interests.[10-12] Surface-initiated graft polymerizations of various monomers onto inorganic
nanoparticles have been reported by using UV-induced polymerization,[13] conventional radical
polymerizations,[14] and controlled/living radical polymerizations (CRPs).[15, 16] CRPs …
Total Elbow Arthroplasty for Distal Humerus Fractures
LS Harmer, J Sanchez-Sotelo – Hand Clinics, 2015
… Mansat et al, 31 2013, 87, 80:7, Age: >65 Isolated #, —, A: 9 B: 8 C: 70, CM: 85 Lat: 1 Discovery:
1, 37.5 (6–106) (100%), 86 (45–100), 29–125/—, Hematoma: 5 CRPS: 2 Skin necrosis: 1 Neuro
injury: 7 Deep infection: 1 Stem #: 1 Stem loosening: 2 Elbow stiffness: 2 Peripros #: 1 …
Sacral roots stimulation in chronic pelvic pain
P Sokal, P Zieliński, M Harat – Neurologia i Neurochirurgia Polska, 2015
… is not recommended because of long-term moderate effects and increased risk of major
complications [2]. The CPP with predominance of neuropathic pain can be the part of
failed-back-surgery syndrome (FBSS) or complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) which are …
[PDF] Probabilistic temperature forecasting based on an ensemble AR modification
A Möller, J Groß – arXiv preprint arXiv:1508.01397, 2015
… Gneiting et al. (2005) propose to estimate the parameters by optimizing the continuous ranked
probability score (CRPS, Wilks, 2011) over the training data. … EMOS AR-EMOS SLP MAE 2.042
2.036 1.969 CRPS 1.471 1.460 1.407 DSS 3.135 2.908 2.821 …
The value of SPECT/CT in carpal boss
U Bhure, U Hug, MW Huellner, H Grünig, A Zander… – European Journal of …, 2015
… One patient was lost to follow-up after infiltration of CB. One patient had a complete response
to surgery initially but developed a CRPS (complex regional pain syndrome) some weeks after
surgery. … Infiltration with complete response; surgery performed; CRPS during follow-up. 5. …
Neurogenic neuroinflammation in fibromyalgia and complex regional pain syndrome
G Littlejohn – Nature Reviews Rheumatology, 2015
… fibromyalgia. Clinical features of CRPS. Neurogenic inflammation—comprising tissue
swelling, vasomotor changes and marked allodynia—also contributes substantially to
the clinical features of CRPS. … 91. Neuropeptides in CRPS. Increased …
[HTML] Memristive crypto primitive for building highly secure physical unclonable functions
Y Gao, DC Ranasinghe, SF Al-Sarawi, O Kavehei… – Scientific Reports, 2015
… Our novel architecture demonstrates desirable characteristics of PUFs, including uniqueness,
reliability, and large number of challenge-response pairs (CRPs) and desirable characteristics
of strong PUFs. … Number of CRPs. Figure 10: Number of CRPs. …
Methods for Treating GI Syndrome and Graft versus Host Disease
JA Rotolo, RN Kolesnick – US Patent 20,150,216,971, 2015
… Ceramide generated on the surface of endothelium coalesces to form ceramide-rich
platforms (CRPs) that transmit an apoptotic signal (Stancevic B., Kolesnick R.
Ceramide-rich platforms in transmembrane signaling. FEBS Lett. …
Multivariate postprocessing techniques for probabilistic hydrological forecasting
S Hemri, D Lisniak, B Klein – Water Resources Research, 2015
… river Lahn as these values lead to the best climatological forecasts in terms of the contin- uous
ranked probability score (CRPS, see equation (4)). The smaller the catchment, the … of the EMOS
model are estimated by minimization of the CRPS over the training pe- riod. …
Ambiguous anti‐fouling surfaces: Facile synthesis by light‐mediated radical polymerization
CW Pester, JE Poelma, B Narupai, SN Patel, GM Su… – Journal of Polymer Science …, 2015
… the prevention of marine biofouling.[7, 8]. Controlled radical, surface-initiated
polymerizations (SI-CRPs) provide a robust and versatile strategy for the formation
of grafted polymer brushes. A variety of techniques have been …
Off-Label Trazodone Prescription: Evidence, Benefits and Risks
L Bossini, A Coluccia, I Casolaro, J Benbow… – Current Pharmaceutical …, 2015
… depression, insomnia, anxiety (then Gen- eralized Anxiety Disorder, Post-Traumatic Stress
Disorder, Obses- sive-Compulsive Disorder and Panic Disorder), off-label uses (then bulimia,
benzodiazepine abuse, alcohol withdrawal, fibromyalgia, dementia, schizophrenia and …
[PDF] Purification of A1PI from Human Plasma-an Improved Process to Achieve Therapeutic Grade Purity
NA Kumar, KL Rao, Z Chakraborthy, A Giri, KU Devi – J Chromatogr Sep Tech, 2015
… due to congenital A1PI deficiency but as evident from the available literature, due to the multiple
biological activities of A1PI, it has been associated with other lung diseases (cystic fibrosis) and
many non-pulmonary diseases like vasculitis, fibromyalgia, asthma, pancreatitis …
[PDF] Clinical features of musculoskeletal disorders due to hand-held devices
D Sharan – Proceedings 19th Triennial Congress of the IEA, 2015
… Associated Disorder n % Myofascial pain syndrome of neck and upper back 48 69
Thoracic outlet syndrome 34 49 Fibromyalgia syndrome 07 10 Hypothyroidism 02 2.9
Extensor wrist tendinosis 04 5.7 De Quervain’s tenosynovitis 02 2.9 …
[PDF] Outcome of treatment of work related musculoskeletal disorders in on-site clinics in information technology companies)
DSMMR Ranganathan – Proceedings 19th Triennial Congress of the IEA, 2015
… Common diagnosis made were Myofascial Pain Syndrome (49.20%), Fibromyalgia (8.5%),
Thoracic Outlet Syndrome (25.02%), Cubital Tunnel Syndrome (0.16%), Chronic Regional
Pain Syndrome (0.20%), and Wrist Tendinities (3.70%). …
YV Pashkunova – Activities in Physical Education & Sport, 2015
… mechanical back pain associated with the work done are charac teristic for men.
Polymyalgia rheumatic, fibromyalgia, osteoporosis and diseases of parathyroid glands
are characteristic for women (Borenstein, 1998). Generally …
[HTML] Animal-Assisted Therapy for People with Chronic Pain
MOT Kristen Counts
… In 2013, a follow-up study was done with fibromyalgia patients (3) . Fibromyalgia is a disorder
characterized by widespread muscle pain that is accompanied by fatigue, sleep, memory, and
mood issues. … Of course, the exercise further decreased my fibromyalgia symptoms. …
[PDF] The barrier of hidden disabilities
Ε Βαβουράκη, Γ Παναγιάρης, Κ Σφλώμος – 2015
… hyperactivity disorder(AD/HD), asthma and allergies, bipolar disorder, psychiatric disorders,
depression, anxiety, cancer, cardiac or respiratory conditions, chronic fatigue syndrome, colour
blindness, cystic fibrosis, diabetes, epilepsy, seizure disorders, fibromyalgia, HIV/AIDS …
Superior Cervical Ganglion Block
D Jankovic – Regional Nerve Blocks in Anesthesia and Pain …, 2015
… number of patients. These observations principally concern patients with
pain-associated depression in chronic pain conditions (various types of headache,
migraines, facial pain, post-nucleotomy pain, fibromyalgia, etc.). In the …
[HTML] Identification of α1-Antitrypsin as a Potential Candidate for Internal Control for Human Synovial Fluid in Western Blot
S Wang, J Zhou, X Wei, P Li, K Li, O Wang, F Wei… – Rheumatology: Current …, 2015
… Arthritis Res Ther 10: R117. Schmechel DE, Edwards CL (2012) Fibromyalgia, mood disorders,
and intense creative energy: A1AT polymorphisms are not always silent. Neurotoxicology
33: 1454-1472. Goldring MB, Goldring SR (2007) Osteoarthritis. …
[PDF] Examining the relationship between childhood victimization, health risk behaviors, and adult physical health outcomes among women on probation and parole.
TR Renn – 2015
… Chartier, Walker & Naimark (2009) Female & Male Obesity OR=1.61 Rohde et al. (2008)
Female Adjusted for age and race Obesity OR=1.84 Alexander et al (1998) Fibromyalgia
Heitkemper et al (2001) Irritable bowel syndrome Rich-Edwards, et al. …
Thalamic Mechanisms Underlying Alpha-Delta Sleep with Implications for Fibromyalgia
S Vijayan, EB Klerman, GK Adler, N Kopell – Journal of Neurophysiology, 2015
Abstract Alpha-delta sleep is the abnormal intrusion of alpha activity (8-13 Hz oscillations)
into the delta activity (1-4 Hz oscillations) that defines slow wave sleep. Alpha-delta sleep is
especially prevalent in fibromyalgia patients and there is evidence suggesting that the …
SP0131 Fibromyalgia: What is New
LJ Crofford – Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases, 2015
Abstract Further clarification of the impact of FM classification criteria has emerged with a
higher prevalence and greater proportion of men identified with the modified 2010 criteria.
This together with ongoing epidemiologic studies has confirmed the relationships …
Pelvic Floor and Urinary Distress in Women with Fibromyalgia
KD Jones, C Maxwell, SD Mist, V King, MA Denman… – Pain Management Nursing, 2015
Abstract Fibromyalgia (FM) patients were recently found to have more symptom burden from
bothersome pelvic pain syndromes that women seeking care for pelvic floor disease at a
urogynecology clinic. We sought to further characterize pelvic floor symptoms in a larger …
[PDF] Effects of transdermal magnesium chloride on quality of life for patients with fibromyalgia: a feasibility study
DJ Engen, SJ McAllister, MO Whipple, SS Cha, LJ Dion… – J Integr Med, 2015
ABSTRACT BACKGROUND: Fibromyalgia is a syndrome characterized by chronic pain,
fatigue, depression, and sleep disturbances. Its primary cause is unclear. Several studies
have reported decreased intracellular magnesium levels in patients with fibromyalgia and …
Neurogenic neuroinflammation in fibromyalgia and complex regional pain syndrome
G Littlejohn – Nature Reviews Rheumatology, 2015
Although fibromyalgia and complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) have distinct clinical
phenotypes, they do share many other features. Pain, allodynia and dysaesthesia occur in
each condition and seem to exist on a similar spectrum. Fibromyalgia and CRPS can both …
Validation of fibromyalgia survey questionnaire and polysymptomatic distress scale in a Persian population
A Bidari, B Ghavidel-Parsa, AA Maafi, A Montazeri… – Rheumatology International, 2015
Abstract The aim of this study was to assess validity of the fibromyalgia survey questionnaire
(FSQ) and polysymptomatic distress scale (PSD) in an Iranian population. We also sought to
classify the severity levels of fibromyalgia (FM) symptoms according to the PSD scale. …
Health anxiety and depression in patients with fibromyalgia syndrome
M Uçar, Ü Sarp, Ö Karaaslan, AI Gül, N Tanik, HO Arik – Journal of International …, 2015
Methods Patients with FMS and healthy control subjects were recruited. All participants
completed the Health Anxiety Inventory Short Form (HAI-SF) and Beck Depression Inventory
(BDI). Pain was assessed in patients with FMS using the Fibromyalgia Impact …
Subgroups of fibromyalgia patients using the 1990 American College of Rheumatology criteria and the modified 2010 preliminary diagnostic criteria: the al-Ándalus …
V Segura-Jiménez, A Soriano-Maldonado… – Clinical and experimental …, 2015
OBJECTIVES: We aimed to investigate the symptom profiles in subsets of fibromyalgia
patients according to the subgroups created from the satisfaction of the 1990 American
College of Rheumatology (ACR) diagnostic criteria (1990c) and/or the modified 2010 ACR …
Effects of music on pain in patients with fibromyalgia
GB Alparslan, B Babadağ, A Özkaraman, P Yıldız… – Clinical Rheumatology, 2015
Abstract Fibromyalgia syndrome (FMS) is a chronic syndrome characterized by diffuse
musculoskeletal system pain and painful tender points in certain areas of the body. The aim
of the investigation was to determine the effects of music on pain in fibromyalgia patients. …
[HTML] Oral Burning With Dysphagia and Weight Loss
TM Seccia, G Rossitto, LA Calò, GP Rossi – Medicine, 2015
… Accepted June 22, 2015. Collapse Box Abstract. Abstract: Fibromyalgia is a disorder characterized
by an abnormal pain regulation. … We report on the case of a patient with fibromyalgia, who
presented with dysphagia, odynophagia, and glossodynia as prevalent symptoms. …