by admin | Dec 7, 2015 | Uncategorized
People born with a rare genetic mutation are unable to feel pain, but previous attempts to recreate this effect with drugs have had surprisingly little success. Using mice modified to carry the same mutation, UCL researchers funded by the MRC and Wellcome Trust have now discovered the recipe for painlessness.
‘Channels’ that allow messages to pass along nerve cell membranes are vital for electrical signalling in the nervous system. In 2006, it was shown that sodium channel Nav1.7 is particularly important for signalling in pain pathways and people born with non-functioning Nav1.7 do not feel pain. Drugs that block Nav1.7 have since been developed but they had disappointingly weak effects.
The new study, published in Nature Communications, reveals that mice and people who lack Nav1.7 also produce higher than normal levels of natural opioid peptides.
To examine if opioids were important for painlessness, the researchers gave naloxone, an opioid blocker, to mice lacking Nav1.7 and found that they became able to feel pain. They then gave naloxone to a 39-year-old woman with the rare mutation and she felt pain for the first time in her life.
“After a decade of rather disappointing drug trials, we now have confirmation that Nav1.7 really is a key element in human pain,” says senior author Professor John Wood (UCL Medicine). “The secret ingredient turned out to be good old-fashioned opioid peptides, and we have now filed a patent for combining low dose opioids with Nav1.7 blockers. This should replicate the painlessness experienced by people with rare mutations, and we have already successfully tested this approach in unmodified mice.”
Broad-spectrum sodium channel blockers are used as local anaesthetics, but they are not suitable for long-term pain management as they cause complete numbness and can have serious side-effects over time. By contrast, people born without working Nav1.7 still feel non-painful touch normally and the only known side-effect is the inability to smell.
Opioid painkillers such as morphine are highly effective at reducing pain, but long-term use can lead to dependence and tolerance. As the body becomes used to the drug it becomes less effective so higher doses are needed for the same effect, side effects become more severe, and eventually it stops working altogether.
“Used in combination with Nav1.7 blockers, the dose of opioid needed to prevent pain is very low,” explains Professor Wood. “People with non-functioning Nav1.7 produce low levels of opioids throughout their lives without developing tolerance or experiencing unpleasant side-effects. We hope to see our approach tested in human trials by 2017 and we can then start looking into drug combinations to help the millions of chronic pain patients around the world.”
The findings were made possible by the use of ‘transgenic’ mice, meaning they were modified to carry genetic material from another organism — in this case, the mutation that prevents humans from feeling pain. Precise physiological experiments showed that the nervous systems of the transgenic mice contained around twice the levels of naturally-produced opioids as unmodified mice from the same litter.
“Our results reaffirm the clinical relevance of transgenic mouse models for human diseases,” says Professor Wood. “Studying the mice showed us what was going on in the nervous system that led to painlessness and our findings were directly translatable to humans, as confirmed by the painless patient. Without the work in transgenic mice, none of this would have been possible and we still wouldn’t know how to replicate the effects to help people suffering from chronic pain.”
Story Source:
University College London. “Genetically modified mice reveal the secret to a painless life: Researchers have discovered the pharmaceutical recipe for painlessness.” ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 4 December 2015. <>
Journal Reference:
- Michael S. Minett, Vanessa Pereira, Shafaq Sikandar, Ayako Matsuyama, Stéphane Lolignier, Alexandros H. Kanellopoulos, Flavia Mancini, Gian D. Iannetti, Yury D. Bogdanov, Sonia Santana-Varela, Queensta Millet, Giorgios Baskozos, Raymond MacAllister, James J. Cox, Jing Zhao, John N. Wood. Endogenous opioids contribute to insensitivity to pain in humans and mice lacking sodium channel Nav1.7. Nature Communications, 2015; 6: 8967 DOI: 10.1038/ncomms9967
by admin | Aug 13, 2015 | Uncategorized
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Scientific breakthroughs happen every day! In an effort to help our patients stay up to speed on the most cutting edge treatment options available for them, our scientists monitor current research and publish weekly research updates. The title of each article below is a link to the full study report. If you’d like to make an appointment with Dr. Hanna to discuss your treatment options, please contact us.
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mice were anesthetized with a ketamine mixture (described above). …
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Radiofrequency Ablation (RFA)
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does not increase the risk of bleeding compared with uninterrupted warfarin. …
Lateral Femoral Cutaneous Nerve Block
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Treatment of meralgia paresthetica with ultrasound-guided pulsed radiofrequency ablation of
the lateral femoral cutaneous nerve. Pain Pract. 2012;12(5):394–8.PubMedView Article. …
Sacroiliac Joint
PWH Peng – Regional Nerve Blocks in Anesthesia and Pain …, 2015
… Am J Phys Med Rehabil. 2006;85:997–1006.PubMedView Article; 6. Roberts S, Burnham R,
Ravichandiran K, Agur A, Loh E. Cadaveric study of sacroiliac joint innervation: implications
for diagnostic blocks and radiofrequency ablation. Reg Anesth Pain Med. …
Ilioinguinal, Iliohypogastric, and Genitofemoral Nerve Blocks
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… 2014;2014:371703. doi:10. 1155/ 2014/ 371703.PubMed CentralPubMed; 47. Terkawi AS,
Romdhane K. Ultrasound-guided pulsed radiofrequency ablation of the genital branch of the
genitofemoral nerve for treatment of intractable orchalgia. Saudi J Anaesth. …
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resection, or retransplantation. Strategies for preventing this neoplasm …
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Advertisement. …
Iron Oxide Based Nanoparticles for Multimodal Imaging and Magnetoresponsive Therapy
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Frequency (RF) ablation with direct endocardial visualization (DEV).
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of death in women.1 The earliest and most frequent site of BC metastasis is the lungs and
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3A of the Bismuth classification. A right hepatectomy after right portal embolization was
planned. Finally, because peritoneal carcinomatosis was diagnosed during surgery, a …
Ventricular premature depolarization ablation and reversal of nonischemic cardiomyopathy
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Left ventricular ejection fraction; RFA: Radiofrequency ablation; VPD: Ventricular
premature depolarization. Ventricular premature depolarization …
Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS/RSD)
Lumbar Plexus and Femoral Nerve Block. Traditional and Ultrasound Guided Techniques
D Jankovic, J Kessler, AT Gray – Regional Nerve Blocks in Anesthesia and Pain …, 2015
… 5. Arterial occlusive disease and poor perfusion in the lower extremities. 6. Complex regional
pain syndrome (CRPS) types I and II. 7. Postamputation pain. 8. … 3. Prophylaxis against complex
regional pain syndrome (CRPS). Contraindications. Specific. 1. …
Superior Cervical Ganglion Block
D Jankovic – Regional Nerve Blocks in Anesthesia and Pain …, 2015
… Therapeutic [ 3 ]. 1. Migraine [ 4 ], cluster headache, and headaches of cervical origin. 2. Complex
regional pain syndrome (CRPS) in the head region. 3. Perfusion disturbances and vasospastic
diseases. 4. Central poststroke syndrome (contralateral block!). 5. Facial pain. 6. …
Brachial Plexus Blocks Above the Clavicle Traditional Techniques
D Jankovic – Regional Nerve Blocks in Anesthesia and Pain …, 2015
… 10–20 mL local anesthetic – eg, 0.2–0.375 % ropivacaine or 0.25 % bupivacaine (0.25 %
levobupivacaine) in post-herpetic neuralgia, vascular diseases and injuries, complex
regional pain syndrome (CRPS) types I and II, post-amputation pain. …
Stellate Ganglion Block
A Bhatia, PWH Peng – Regional Nerve Blocks in Anesthesia and Pain …, 2015
… AACN Clin Issues. 2005;16:320–32.PubMedView Article; 25. Stanton-Hicks MD, Burton
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… 24. 25. Coderre TJ, Xanthos DN, Francis L, Bennett GJ. Chronic post-ischemia pain (CPIP): A
novel animal model of complex regional pain syndrome-type I (CRPS-I; reflex sympathetic
dystrophy) produced by prolonged hindpaw ischemia and reperfusion in the rat. …
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… Coderre TJ, Xanthos DN, Francis L, Bennett GJ. Chronic post–ischemia pain (CPIP): a novel
animal model of complex regional pain syndrome–type I (CRPS–I; reflex sympathetic dystrophy)
produced by prolonged hindpaw ischemia and reperfusion in the rat. Pain. …
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H THeRAPy looK liKe iN, C TReATmeNT
Page 1. ifssh ezine CoNNeCTiNG ouR GloBAl HAND suRGeRy FAmily volume 5 issue 3 aUgUSt 2015 WHAT Does THe PRACTiCe oF HAND
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1, 37.5 (6–106) (100%), 86 (45–100), 29–125/—, Hematoma: 5 CRPS: 2 Skin necrosis: 1 Neuro
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probability score (CRPS, Wilks, 2011) over the training data. … EMOS AR-EMOS SLP MAE 2.042
2.036 1.969 CRPS 1.471 1.460 1.407 DSS 3.135 2.908 2.821 …
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… One patient was lost to follow-up after infiltration of CB. One patient had a complete response
to surgery initially but developed a CRPS (complex regional pain syndrome) some weeks after
surgery. … Infiltration with complete response; surgery performed; CRPS during follow-up. 5. …
Neurogenic neuroinflammation in fibromyalgia and complex regional pain syndrome
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swelling, vasomotor changes and marked allodynia—also contributes substantially to
the clinical features of CRPS. … 91. Neuropeptides in CRPS. Increased …
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reliability, and large number of challenge-response pairs (CRPs) and desirable characteristics
of strong PUFs. … Number of CRPs. Figure 10: Number of CRPs. …
Methods for Treating GI Syndrome and Graft versus Host Disease
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… Ceramide generated on the surface of endothelium coalesces to form ceramide-rich
platforms (CRPs) that transmit an apoptotic signal (Stancevic B., Kolesnick R.
Ceramide-rich platforms in transmembrane signaling. FEBS Lett. …
Multivariate postprocessing techniques for probabilistic hydrological forecasting
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… river Lahn as these values lead to the best climatological forecasts in terms of the contin- uous
ranked probability score (CRPS, see equation (4)). The smaller the catchment, the … of the EMOS
model are estimated by minimization of the CRPS over the training pe- riod. …
Ambiguous anti‐fouling surfaces: Facile synthesis by light‐mediated radical polymerization
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… the prevention of marine biofouling.[7, 8]. Controlled radical, surface-initiated
polymerizations (SI-CRPs) provide a robust and versatile strategy for the formation
of grafted polymer brushes. A variety of techniques have been …
Off-Label Trazodone Prescription: Evidence, Benefits and Risks
L Bossini, A Coluccia, I Casolaro, J Benbow… – Current Pharmaceutical …, 2015
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Disorder, Obses- sive-Compulsive Disorder and Panic Disorder), off-label uses (then bulimia,
benzodiazepine abuse, alcohol withdrawal, fibromyalgia, dementia, schizophrenia and …
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Thoracic outlet syndrome 34 49 Fibromyalgia syndrome 07 10 Hypothyroidism 02 2.9
Extensor wrist tendinosis 04 5.7 De Quervain’s tenosynovitis 02 2.9 …
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Thoracic Outlet Syndrome (25.02%), Cubital Tunnel Syndrome (0.16%), Chronic Regional
Pain Syndrome (0.20%), and Wrist Tendinities (3.70%). …
YV Pashkunova – Activities in Physical Education & Sport, 2015
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Polymyalgia rheumatic, fibromyalgia, osteoporosis and diseases of parathyroid glands
are characteristic for women (Borenstein, 1998). Generally …
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characterized by widespread muscle pain that is accompanied by fatigue, sleep, memory, and
mood issues. … Of course, the exercise further decreased my fibromyalgia symptoms. …
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blindness, cystic fibrosis, diabetes, epilepsy, seizure disorders, fibromyalgia, HIV/AIDS …
Superior Cervical Ganglion Block
D Jankovic – Regional Nerve Blocks in Anesthesia and Pain …, 2015
… number of patients. These observations principally concern patients with
pain-associated depression in chronic pain conditions (various types of headache,
migraines, facial pain, post-nucleotomy pain, fibromyalgia, etc.). In the …
[HTML] Identification of α1-Antitrypsin as a Potential Candidate for Internal Control for Human Synovial Fluid in Western Blot
S Wang, J Zhou, X Wei, P Li, K Li, O Wang, F Wei… – Rheumatology: Current …, 2015
… Arthritis Res Ther 10: R117. Schmechel DE, Edwards CL (2012) Fibromyalgia, mood disorders,
and intense creative energy: A1AT polymorphisms are not always silent. Neurotoxicology
33: 1454-1472. Goldring MB, Goldring SR (2007) Osteoarthritis. …
[PDF] Examining the relationship between childhood victimization, health risk behaviors, and adult physical health outcomes among women on probation and parole.
TR Renn – 2015
… Chartier, Walker & Naimark (2009) Female & Male Obesity OR=1.61 Rohde et al. (2008)
Female Adjusted for age and race Obesity OR=1.84 Alexander et al (1998) Fibromyalgia
Heitkemper et al (2001) Irritable bowel syndrome Rich-Edwards, et al. …
Thalamic Mechanisms Underlying Alpha-Delta Sleep with Implications for Fibromyalgia
S Vijayan, EB Klerman, GK Adler, N Kopell – Journal of Neurophysiology, 2015
Abstract Alpha-delta sleep is the abnormal intrusion of alpha activity (8-13 Hz oscillations)
into the delta activity (1-4 Hz oscillations) that defines slow wave sleep. Alpha-delta sleep is
especially prevalent in fibromyalgia patients and there is evidence suggesting that the …
SP0131 Fibromyalgia: What is New
LJ Crofford – Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases, 2015
Abstract Further clarification of the impact of FM classification criteria has emerged with a
higher prevalence and greater proportion of men identified with the modified 2010 criteria.
This together with ongoing epidemiologic studies has confirmed the relationships …
Pelvic Floor and Urinary Distress in Women with Fibromyalgia
KD Jones, C Maxwell, SD Mist, V King, MA Denman… – Pain Management Nursing, 2015
Abstract Fibromyalgia (FM) patients were recently found to have more symptom burden from
bothersome pelvic pain syndromes that women seeking care for pelvic floor disease at a
urogynecology clinic. We sought to further characterize pelvic floor symptoms in a larger …
[PDF] Effects of transdermal magnesium chloride on quality of life for patients with fibromyalgia: a feasibility study
DJ Engen, SJ McAllister, MO Whipple, SS Cha, LJ Dion… – J Integr Med, 2015
ABSTRACT BACKGROUND: Fibromyalgia is a syndrome characterized by chronic pain,
fatigue, depression, and sleep disturbances. Its primary cause is unclear. Several studies
have reported decreased intracellular magnesium levels in patients with fibromyalgia and …
Neurogenic neuroinflammation in fibromyalgia and complex regional pain syndrome
G Littlejohn – Nature Reviews Rheumatology, 2015
Although fibromyalgia and complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) have distinct clinical
phenotypes, they do share many other features. Pain, allodynia and dysaesthesia occur in
each condition and seem to exist on a similar spectrum. Fibromyalgia and CRPS can both …
Validation of fibromyalgia survey questionnaire and polysymptomatic distress scale in a Persian population
A Bidari, B Ghavidel-Parsa, AA Maafi, A Montazeri… – Rheumatology International, 2015
Abstract The aim of this study was to assess validity of the fibromyalgia survey questionnaire
(FSQ) and polysymptomatic distress scale (PSD) in an Iranian population. We also sought to
classify the severity levels of fibromyalgia (FM) symptoms according to the PSD scale. …
Health anxiety and depression in patients with fibromyalgia syndrome
M Uçar, Ü Sarp, Ö Karaaslan, AI Gül, N Tanik, HO Arik – Journal of International …, 2015
Methods Patients with FMS and healthy control subjects were recruited. All participants
completed the Health Anxiety Inventory Short Form (HAI-SF) and Beck Depression Inventory
(BDI). Pain was assessed in patients with FMS using the Fibromyalgia Impact …
Subgroups of fibromyalgia patients using the 1990 American College of Rheumatology criteria and the modified 2010 preliminary diagnostic criteria: the al-Ándalus …
V Segura-Jiménez, A Soriano-Maldonado… – Clinical and experimental …, 2015
OBJECTIVES: We aimed to investigate the symptom profiles in subsets of fibromyalgia
patients according to the subgroups created from the satisfaction of the 1990 American
College of Rheumatology (ACR) diagnostic criteria (1990c) and/or the modified 2010 ACR …
Effects of music on pain in patients with fibromyalgia
GB Alparslan, B Babadağ, A Özkaraman, P Yıldız… – Clinical Rheumatology, 2015
Abstract Fibromyalgia syndrome (FMS) is a chronic syndrome characterized by diffuse
musculoskeletal system pain and painful tender points in certain areas of the body. The aim
of the investigation was to determine the effects of music on pain in fibromyalgia patients. …
[HTML] Oral Burning With Dysphagia and Weight Loss
TM Seccia, G Rossitto, LA Calò, GP Rossi – Medicine, 2015
… Accepted June 22, 2015. Collapse Box Abstract. Abstract: Fibromyalgia is a disorder characterized
by an abnormal pain regulation. … We report on the case of a patient with fibromyalgia, who
presented with dysphagia, odynophagia, and glossodynia as prevalent symptoms. …
by admin | Aug 2, 2015 | Uncategorized
Weekly Breaking Research Updates
Scientific breakthroughs happen every day! In an effort to help our patients stay up to speed on the most cutting edge treatment options available for them, our scientists monitor current research and publish weekly research updates. The title of each article below is a link to the full study report. If you’d like to make an appointment with Dr. Hanna to discuss your treatment options, please contact us.
Gender and estrous cycle influences on behavioral and neurochemical alterations in adult rats neonatally administered ketamine
VCM Borella, MV Seeman, RC Cordeiro… – Developmental …, 2015
Abstract Neonatal NMDA receptor blockade in rodents triggers schizophrenia-like
alterations during adult life. Schizophrenia is influenced by gender in age of onset,
premorbid functioning and course. Estrogen, the hormone potentially driving the gender …
Hypothalamic, thalamic and hippocampal lesions in the mouse MCAO model: potential involvement of deep cerebral arteries?
M El Amki, T Clavier, N Perzo, R Bernard, PO Guichet… – Journal of Neuroscience …, 2015
… Anesthetic methods in rodent models of cerebral ischemia impact the infarct volume. In
experimental models developed in rodents, the most used anesthetics are the volatile ones such
as isoflurane or halothane and intraperitoneal (ip) ketamine or barbiturates. …
Targeting the CD80/CD86 costimulatory pathway with CTLA4‐Ig directs microglia toward a repair phenotype and promotes axonal outgrowth
A Louveau, V Nerrière‐Daguin, B Vanhove… – Glia, 2015
… Male LEWIS 1A rats were anesthetized by intramuscular injection of 2% Rompun and 50mg/mL
ketamine (1.6 mL/kg) (PanPharma). … Twenty-eight days after transplantation, grafted-male Lewis
1A rats were deeply anesthetized with Rompun-ketamine (1:4) at 1 mg/kg (ip). …
[PDF] Anti-nociceptive effects of taurine and caffeine in sciatic nerve ligated wistar rats: involvement of autonomic receptors
W Abdulmajeed, BV Owoyele – Journal of African Association of Physiological …, 2015
… (St. Louis MO, USA) while propranolol and prazosin were products of Namco
Chemicals, Amritsr, India. Normal saline and ketamine were purchased from Momrota
pharmacy, opposite University of Ilorin Teaching Hospital’s gate. …
Two Cellular Hypotheses Explaining Ketamine’s Antidepressant Actions: Direct Inhibition and Disinhibition
OH Miller, JT Moran, BJ Hall – Neuropharmacology, 2015
Abstract A single, low dose of ketamine has antidepressant actions in depressed patients
and in patients with treatment-resistant depression (TRD). Unlike classic antidepressants,
which regulate monoamine neurotransmitter systems, ketamine is an antagonist of the N- …
Effect of Piperine on Liver Function of CF-1 albino Mice.
JR Peela, SD Kolla, F Elshaari, F Elshaari, H El Awamy… – Infectious disorders drug …, 2015
… with high fat diet. These mice were anaesthetized with ketamine and halothane and
blood was drawn from each mouse before the study and after three weeks by
cardiocentesis. Serum transaminases (alanine aminotransferase …
[PDF] Correlation between anti-HBs and immunostimulatory cytokines following hepatitis B vaccination in mice
OU Peter, PO OKONKWO, OO John, A Dorathy – 2015
… AM daily. All mice were acclimatized for two weeks. Diazepam injection (Valium,
Roche, USA), and ketamine injection (Ketalar, Popular Pharmaceuticals, Bangladesh)
were procured from Pax Pharmacy, Onitsha. Hepatitis B …
Phosphodiesterase‐4D: an enzyme to remember
R Ricciarelli, E Fedele – British Journal of Pharmacology, 2015
… enzyme isoform is localized in brain regions associated with emesis (eg area postrema and
nucleus of the solitary tract; Cherry and Davis, 1999; Lamontagne et al, 2001; Mori et al, 2010)
and its deletion in transgenic mice reduced the xylazine/ketamine-induced anaesthesia, a …
The effects of tacrolimus on the activity and expression of tissue factor in the rat ovary with ischemia–reperfusion induced injury
UV Ustundag, S Sahin, K Ak, I Keskin… – Reproductive Biology, 2015
… the ovaries. The rats were anesthetized with a combination of ketamine hydrochloride
(60 mg/kg ip.) and xylazine (5 mg/kg ip.). Supplementary injections of ketamine
hydrochloride were given when needed. After anesthesia …
Novel Rat Model for Neurocysticercosis Using Taenia solium
MR Verastegui, A Mejia, T Clark, CM Gavidia… – The American Journal of …, 2015
… Before intracranial inoculation, the rats were anesthetized with 70 mg/kg of ketamine plus
11 mg/kg of xylazine. … Animals were euthanized after being anesthetized with a mixture of
100 mg/kg of ketamine, 10 mg/kg of xylazine, and 3 mg/kg of tramadol. …
Photo of the Day: Low-dose Ketamine Infusions
A Katz – Emergency Medicine News, 2015
Wolters Kluwer Health may email you for journal alerts and information, but is committed to maintaining
your privacy and will not share your personal information without your express consent. For more
information, please refer to our Privacy Policy. … This blog serves as a bulletin board for …
[HTML] Impact of Anesthesia Protocols on In Vivo Bioluminescent Bacteria Imaging Results
T Chuzel, V Sanchez, M Vandamme, S Martin, O Flety… – PLOS ONE, 2015
… S. aureus Xen36 strain. Bioluminescence imaging was performed on mice
anesthetized by either ketamine/xylazine (with or without oxygen supplementation),
or isoflurane carried with air or oxygen. Total flux emission was …
Sedative and Anxiolytic Agents
SI Ganzberg, S Wilson – Oral Sedation for Dental Procedures in Children, 2015
… The salient fea- tures of nitrous oxide, chloral hydrate, meperidine, midazolam, antihista- mines,
and ketamine are discussed in relation to sedating children for dental procedures. … Studies
using ketamine administered orally have resulted in mixed results. …
[HTML] Fractionated Radiation Exposure of Rat Spinal Cords Leads to Latent Neuro-Inflammation in Brain, Cognitive Deficits, and Alterations in Apurinic Endonuclease 1
MAS Kumar, M Peluso, P Chaudhary, J Dhawan… – PLOS ONE, 2015
… Ethics Statement. All exposures to radiation were done under ip anesthesia of xylazine/ ketamine
mixture- 4.3–5 ml per rat (male, Wistar strain) for an average weight of 540–600 gms (80 mg/kg
body weight of ketamine and 8 mg/ kg body weight of xylazine in PBS). …
Combinations of dexmedetomidine and alfaxalone with butorphanol in cats: application of an innovative stepwise optimisation method to identify optimal clinical doses …
C Adami, T Imboden, AE Giovannini, C Spadavecchia – Journal of Feline Medicine …, 2015
… anaesthesia. Commonly used protocols often include an a 2 -adrenoreceptor agonist
to produce reliable sedation, an opioid derivative to provide some analgesia, and
ketamine owing to its anaesthetic and analgesic effects. …
[HTML] Development of Animal Models of Local Retinal DegenerationAnimal Models of Local Retinal Degeneration
H Lorach, J Kung, C Beier, Y Mandel, R Dalal, P Huie… – … Ophthalmology & Visual …, 2015
… Animal facility. For surgeries, animals (P35–P50) were anesthetized with ketamine
(75 mg/kg) and Xylazine (5 mg/kg), delivered by intramuscular injection. Subretinal
implantations were performed as previously described. 31 …
[HTML] Following specific podocyte injury captopril protects against progressive long term renal damage
YS Zhou, IA Ihmoda, RG Phelps, COS Bellamy… – F1000Research, 2015
… VD DOM02, made by Orion Pharma, supplied by Henry Schein Medical) and 100mg/ml
ketamine (Vetalar) (Ref. … Terminal blood samples were collected at week 8 from intraperitoneally
anaesthetised animals (injected with medetomidine and ketamine). …
Clinical Sedation Regimens
S Wilson – Oral Sedation for Dental Procedures in Children, 2015
Page 74. Clinical Sedation Regimens Stephen Wilson S. Wilson, DMD, MA, PhD
Division of Pediatric Dentistry, Department of Pediatrics, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital
Medical Center, 3333 Burnet Avenue, Cincinnati, OH 45229 …
Electrocardiogram reference intervals for clinically normal wild-born chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes)
R Atencia, L Revuelta, JD Somauroo, RE Shave – American Journal of Veterinary …, 2015
… Immediately before the examination procedures, body weight was estimated.
Chimpanzees were anesthetized by administration of a combination of ketamine
hydrochloride a (5 mg/kg) and medetomidine b (50 μg/kg). Anesthetic …
Deep Sedation and GA
SI Ganzberg – Oral Sedation for Dental Procedures in Children, 2015
… When an anesthesia machine capable of delivering sevoflurane is not available, as is typical
is most dental offices,“induction” is most commonly provided with an intramuscular injection of
ketamine and midazolam with or without an anticholinergic, ie, such as glycopyr- rolate or …
Radiofrequency Ablation (RFA)
In-utero radiofrequency ablation in fetal piglets: lessons learned
OO Olutoye, AN Gay, F Sheikh, AC Akinkuotu… – Journal of Pediatric Surgery, 2015
Methods 90 day gestation Yorkshire piglets (term 115 days) were subjected to RFA of the
chest and abdominal viscera under various temperatures and wattages. The extent of tissue
damage was determined by NADPH diaphorase histochemistry. Results Tyne …
Strain echocardiographic assessment of left atrial function predicts recurrence of atrial fibrillation
SI Sarvari, KH Haugaa, TM Stokke, HZ Ansari, IS Leren… – Eur Heart J Cardiovasc …, 2015
… Of these, 30 had not while 31 had recurrence of AF after radiofrequency ablation (RFA). Twenty
healthy individuals were included for comparison. … For patients with symptomatic drug-refractory
AF, radiofrequency ablation (RFA) has become an important therapy option. …
[HTML] Current management of patients with hepatocellular carcinoma
T Kanda, S Ogasawara, T Chiba, Y Haga, M Omata… – World J Hepatol, 2015
… of HCC. Many HCC patients are treated with surgical resection and radiofrequency
ablation (RFA), although these modalities should be considered in only selected
cases with a certain HCC number and size. Although there …
T Chakalaa-Yancheva, S Tisheva, A Qnakieva… – Journal of Hypertension, 2015
… In all patients MRA excluded new or progression of pre- existing low grade renal artery stenosis
as well as focal aneurysms at the sites of radiofrequency ablation. In none of the patients new
segmental perfusion deficits in either kidney were detected on MRI. …
Multiscale Tetrahedral Meshes for FEM Simulations of Esophageal Injury
LA Neves, E Pavarino, MP Souza, CR Valencio… – Computer-Based Medical …, 2015
… [3] OJ Eick and D. Bierbaum, “Tissue temperature- controlled radiofrequency ablation,” Pacing
and clinical electrophysiology, vol. … [4] MO Siegel, DM Parenti, and GL Simon, “Atrialesophageal
fistula after atrial radiofrequency catheter ablation,” Clinical infectious diseases, vol. …
The meaning of gross tumor type in the aspects of cytokeratin 19 expression and resection margin in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma
SC Gong, MY Cho, SW Lee, SH Kim, MY Kim, SK Baik – Journal of Gastroenterology …, 2015
… From March 2012 to December 2014, 87 patients with HCC underwent surgical treatment including
intraoperative radiofrequency ablation at Wonju Severance Christian Hospital, Wonju, Korea.
Among them, 75 patients who underwent only hepatectomy were enrolled in …
Impact of catheter ablation with remote magnetic navigation on procedural outcomes in patients with persistent and long-standing persistent atrial fibrillation
Q Jin, S Pehrson, PK Jacobsen, X Chen – Journal of Interventional Cardiac …, 2015
… venous anatomy, left atrial (LA) volume, procedure time, mapping plus ablation time,
radiofrequency (RF) abla … CFAEs at the right atrium were not mapped and ablated in this study.
Although PVAI and CFAE ablation time were calculat- ed separately, CFAE ablation time did …
The role of AEG-1 in the development of liver cancer
CL Robertson, J Srivastava, D Rajasekaran, R Gredler… – Hepatic Oncology, 2015
… by rapid growth and early vascular invasion and thus the incidence and mortality of the disease
run in parallel [1,3]. Standard treatment options for patients afflicted with localized forms of the
disease include surgical resection, radiofrequency ablation or liver transplantation [4–7 …
Unexpected Findings in the Left Atrium of a Patient with a Paravalvular Mitral Leak
FS Silva, CA Barreiros, MC Antunes, ÂL Nobre – Journal of Cardiothoracic and …, 2015
… described including catheter-based cardiac interventions (eg valvular procedures, coronary
intervention, radiofrequency ablation), endocarditis, myocardial infarction and blunt cardiac
trauma.1 There are also cases of spontaneous dissection 2,10-11 occurring in patients with …
[PDF] Typical chest pain and precordial leads ST-elevation in patients with pacemakers-are we always looking at an acute myocardial infarction?
MM Ostojić, TS Potpara, MM Polovina, MM Ostojić… – Vojnosanitetski pregled, 2015
… ECG changes occurred due to pericardial re- action following two interventions: pacemaker
implantation a month before and radiofrequency catheter ablation of AV junction two weeks
before presentation in Emergency De- partment. Conclusion. …
[PDF] AB10-06
RC ABLATION – Heart Rhythm, 2015
Methods: The clinical features including freedom from AF/atrial tachycardia (AT) recurrence
as outcome after RFCA were compared between women and men in 1: 1 age, AF type,
duration of AF (±1 year) matched manner. Subgroup analysis was performed in categories …
S Chen – US Patent 20,150,201,988, 2015
Abstract: A multi-pole synchronous pulmonary artery radiofrequency ablation catheter may
comprise a control handle, a catheter body and an annular ring. One end of the catheter
body may be flexible, and the flexible end of the catheter body may be connected to the …
Diagnostic and Interventional Endoscopy
Y Tomizawa, I Waxman – Atlas of Esophageal Surgery, 2015
… previous ablation zone. Ablation is repeated until the entire length of disease has
received radiofrequency energy (Fig. 3.15). After the entire lesion is ablated, the
guidewire, ablation catheter, and endoscope are removed. For focal …
[HTML] Osteoid osteoma masquerading tubercular arthritis or osteomyelitis on MRI: Case series and review of literature
JP Singh, S Srivastava, D Singh – Indian Journal of Radiology and Imaging, 2015
… periostitis. The patient underwent CT-guided biopsy and radiofrequency ablation. The …
effusion. A CT-guided radiofrequency ablation (RFA) [Figure 10]C was performed and
the patient remained symptom-free at 20 months follow-up. Figure …
Hybrid Transthoracic Esophagectomy
B Borraez, MG Patti – Atlas of Esophageal Surgery, 2015
… hernia, 11, 12 Schatzki’s ring, 12, 13 sliding hiatal hernia, 10, 11, 46 squamous cell cancer, 19
Zenker’s diverticulum, 15, 97 Barrett’s esophagus esophagectomy, 151, 152 focal nodular lesion,
25, 27 proximal resection margin, 141, 147 radiofrequency ablation, 23, 29 salmon …
J Ribeiro, A Correia, R Ferreira, P Morgado, JM Bastos… – Journal of Hypertension, 2015
… In all patients MRA excluded new or progression of pre- existing low grade renal artery stenosis
as well as focal aneurysms at the sites of radiofrequency ablation. In none of the patients new
segmental perfusion deficits in either kidney were detected on MRI. …
Perspectives on the modern management of non-valvularatrial fibrillation: non-valvular af
R Gopal, MH Tayebjee – SA Heart, 2015
… catheters and the development of balloon based or circular ablation catheters with multiple
ablation electrodes that can be applied to the pulmonary vein antrum to isolate pulmonary veins
and ablate left atrial substrate(44,17) (Figures 1 a,b,c). Both radiofrequency catheter and …
BB Hill, J Hong, W Qi – US Patent 20,150,201,947, 2015
… The following is a list of one or more advantages that may be achieved using the apparatus and
methods described herein, eg, as compared to endovenous laser, radiofrequency ablation
technologies, and other methods that destroy the vein by applying chemicals or applying …
Fluorescence Imaging Systems (PDE, HyperEye Medical System, and Prototypes in Japan)
T Ishizawa, N Kokudo – Fluorescence Imaging for Surgeons: Concepts and …, 2015
Hepatocellular Carcinoma Precursor Lesions
ML Smith – Surgical Pathology of Liver Tumors, 2015
Chronic Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS/RSD)
A scoring rule-based truthful demand response mechanism
K Hara, T Ito – Computer and Information Science (ICIS), 2015 IEEE/ …, 2015
… Therefore, conventional scoring rule with single item, such as Brier score [5] is of no use for this
mode. In order to rightfully incentivize the CA to make their prediction of device shifting for multiple
items rightfully; the continuous ranked probability score (CRPS) is applied [13]. …
[PDF] Why Attackers Win: On the Learnability of XOR Arbiter PUFs
F Ganji, S Tajik, JP Seifert – 2015
… These attacks, as cost-effective approaches, can clone the challenge-response behavior of an
arbiter PUF by collecting a subset of challenge-response pairs (CRPs). … Moreover, when applying
current ML attacks, the maximum number of CRPs required for Page 3. …
[PDF] A Multivariate Modeling Approach for Generating Ensemble Climatology Forcing for Hydrologic Applications
S Khajehei – 2015
Page 1. Portland State University PDXScholar Dissertations and Theses Dissertations and Theses
Spring 7-21-2015 A Multivariate Modeling Approach for Generating Ensemble Climatology Forcing
for Hydrologic Applications Sepideh Khajehei Portland State University …
[HTML] Oil Palm Leaf and Corn Stalk–Mechanical Properties and Surface Characterization
Z Daud, MZM Hatta, H Awang – Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2015
… Bhaduri et al., 1995; BK Bhaduri, A. Day, SB Mondal, .SK Sen; Ramie hemicelluloses as beater
additive in a paper making from jute-stick kraft pulp. Industrial Crps and Products, 4 (1995), pp.
79–84. Daud et al., 2013; Z. Daud, MZM Hatta, ASM Kassim, AM Aripin, H. Awang; …
[HTML] Nerve injury and neuropathic pain–a question of age
M Fitzgerald, R McKelvey – Experimental Neurology, 2015
… Furthermore several complex pain syndromes (eg CRPS) that emerge in older children are
associated with little or no measurable disease activity or inflammation at the time of presentation
and are clinically defined as ‘functional’ or ‘medically unexplained’ (Bromberg et al …
Acute acalculous cholecystitis and cardiovascular disease: a land of confusion
M Tana, C Tana, G Cocco, G Iannetti, M Romano… – Journal of Ultrasound, 2015
… Most common clinical onset was represented by fever (70 %) in opposite to abdominal pain
which occurred in 20 % of patients. 8/10 patients were male. Elevated CRPs, leukocytosis
(60 %), and elevated aminotransferase (30 %) occurred frequently. …
[PDF] Characterizing the Stability of Okun’s Law during Economic Recessions by cross-Recurrence Plot and Rolling Regression
J Gao, Y Cao
… 2 n xx x , , , and 1 2 n yy y , , , , which, for concreteness, may be equated to unemployment and
production data, one obtains CRPs (Marwan & Kurths 2002; Marwan, et al. 2007). … 4, No. 3 ~ 5 ~
Figure 2. Cross recurrence plots (CRPs); notice the correspondence of vertical …
[PDF] Use of Hidden Markov Mobility Model for Location Prediction and Biclustering for Cache Replacement in MANET
BD Shelar, MDK Chitre
… But these policies give satisfactory performance for stable user and prove inefficient for mobile
user which free to change his direction. Direction and Distance Based CRPs think for the mobile
nature of user. … Prediction Based CRPs analyze the history of users’ movements. …
Field Deployable Chemical Redox Probe for Quantitative Characterization of Carboxymethylcellulose Modified Nano Zerovalent Iron
D Fan, S Chen, RL Johnson, PG Tratnyek – 2015
Page 1. 1 2 Field Deployable Chemical Redox Probe for Quantitative Characterization of 3
Carboxymethylcellulose Modified Nano Zerovalent Iron 4 5 6 Dimin Fan, Shengwen Chen, Richard
L. Johnson, and Paul G. Tratnyek* 7 8 Institute of Environmental Health 9 …
Technical innovations for small-scale producers and households to process wet cassava peels into high quality animal feed ingredients and aflasafe™ substrate
I Okike, A Samireddypalle, L Kaptoge, C Fauquet… – Food Chain, 2015
Headache and Pain
R Baron, A May – 2015
Molecular Biology of Retinoblastoma
SD Walter, JW Harbour – Recent Advances in Retinoblastoma Treatment, 2015
… Rb directly inhibits E2Fs by binding and masking the transactivation domain, and it also recruits
chromatin remodeling proteins (CRPs) that alter local chromatin structure into a confirmation
that is not permis- sive for transcription.(b) When Rb is hyperphosphory- lated, it does …
[PDF] Guidelines for Neuromusculoskeletal Infrared Thermography Sympathetic Skin Response (SSR) Studies
DO Getson, S Govindan, J Uricchio, T Bernton…
… Assessment of patients with presumptive Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS) Type I or
II – formally known as Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy (RSD), Thoracic Outlet Syndrome,
Vaso-motor Headache and Barre’-Leiou Syndrome. … CRPS: Current Diagnosis and Therapy. …
[HTML] Thread: Advances in treatment of post-amputation phantom limb pain
W Young, J Date
… reviewed fifteen papers reporting mirror therapy to treat upper limb function and concluded that
most of the studies were weak methodologically and that the results suggest possible benefit
in patients after stroke and complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) but the …
[PDF] Guidelines For Dental-Oral And Systemic Health Infrared Thermography
M Brioschi, H Usuki, BSN Jan Crawford, P Steed…
… c. Relevant risk factors for inflammation or vasomotor instability: prior history of RSD
or CRPS, trauma, fracture, repetitive use, vibration syndrome, peripheral neuropathy,
spinal pathology, radiculopathy, vasomotor headache, Page 4. …
[HTML] Chronic Pain Medication & Treatment Guide
AR Guide
… cord injuries. It may develop months or years after injury or damage to the CNS.
This also includes conditions such as chronic headaches, fibromyalgia, and Complex
Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS). Tailoring selection of …
F Place, P Hazell
THE CGIAR. Frank Place and Peter Hazell. WORKSHOP ON …
CRPS A contingent hypothesis with prostaglandins as crucial conversion factor
PHE van der Veen – Medical Hypotheses, 2015
Abstract CRPS is an acute pain disease expressed as chronic pain with a severe loss of
tissue and function. CRPS usually occurs after minor injuries and then progresses in a way
that is scarcely controllable, or completely uncontrollable. This article addresses the …
Vitamin C to Prevent Complex Regional Pain Syndrome in Patients With Distal Radius Fractures: A Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials
N Evaniew, C McCarthy, YV Kleinlugtenbelt, M Ghert… – Journal of orthopaedic …, 2015
… Collapse Box Abstract. Objective: To determine whether vitamin C is effective in preventing
complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) in patients with distal radius fractures. … 2 CRPS has been
previously referred to as causalgia, reflex sympathetic dystrophy, and algodystrophy. 3. …
Injury of the corticoreticular pathway in patients with mild traumatic brain injury: A diffusion tensor tractography study
HD Lee, SH Jang – Brain Injury, 2015
… Figure 1. Diffusion tensor tractography for the corticoreticular pathway (CRP): a normal control
subject (44 year-old, female), type A = the CRPs showed narrowing, although integrity was
preserved from the premotor cortex to the reticular formation of the medulla, type B = the …
[PDF] Plasma Exchange Therapy in Patients with Complex Regional Pain Syndrome
E Aradillas, RJ Schwartzman, JR Grothusen, A Goebel – Pain Physician, 2015
Page 1. Background: Complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) is a severe chronic
pain condition that most often develops following trauma. … These patients were then
placed on Complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) is a …
Controversial Pain Syndromes of the Arm: Pathogenesis and Surgical Treatment of Resistant Cases
A Wilhelm – 2015
[PDF] Mixture EMOS model for calibrating ensemble forecasts of wind speed
S Baran, S Lerch – arXiv preprint arXiv:1507.06517, 2015
… The most popular scoring rules are the logarithmic score, that is the negative logarithm of the
predictive PDF evaluated at the verifying observation and the continuous ranked probability score
(CRPS; Gneiting and Raftery, 2007; Wilks, 2011). … CRPS(F, x) := ∫ ∞ …
[PDF] Targeted Ultrasound-Guided Double Catheters (Infraclavicular-Brachial Plexus, Median Nerve) Facilitate Hand Rehabilitation with Superb Analgesia and Motor …
AE Holman, B Sharma, VE Modest – Open Journal of Anesthesiology, 2015
… Abstract A 44-year-old male who suffered a
crush-degloving hand injury complicated by Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS) type
I was scheduled for operative hand manipulation and inpatient physi- otherapy. …
Leads for neurostimulation and methods of assembling same
A Raines – US Patent 9,084,882, 2015
… As used herein the term “complex regional pain syndrome” or “CRPS” refers to painful
conditions that usually affect the distal part of an upper or lower extremity and are
associated with characteristic clinical phenomena. CRPS …
[PDF] Identification and characterization of a novel family of cysteine-rich peptides (MgCRP-I) from Mytilus galloprovincialis
M Gerdol, N Puillandre, G De Moro, C Guarnaccia… – Genome Biology and …, 2015
… encoding peptides with unique chemico-physical properties and/or sequence patterns. Actually,
cysteine-rich peptides (CRPs) encompass a large and widespread group of secreted … plants
(Gruber, et al. 2007; Marshall, et al. 2011; Taylor, et al. 2008). Invertebrate CRPs are …
Peri‐infarct reorganization of an injured corticoreticulospinal tract in a patient with cerebral infarct
SH Jang, J Lee, HD Lee – International Journal of Stroke, 2015
… (c) The CRPs are descended through the subcortical white matter in two age-matched normal
control subjects. Letter to the editor © 2015 World Stroke Organization E62 Vol 10, August 2015,
E62–E63 Page 2. References 1 Yeo SS, Chang MC, Kwon YH, Jung YJ, Jang SH. …
Depressive-like symptoms in a reserpine-induced model of fibromyalgia in rats
A Blasco-Serra, F Escrihuela-Vidal, EM González-Soler… – Physiology & Behavior, 2015
Abstract Since the pathogenesis of fibromyalgia is unknown, treatment options are limited,
ineffective and in fact based on symptom relief. A recently proposed rat model of
fibromyalgia is based on central depletion of monamines caused by reserpine …
Is there any link between joint hypermobility and mitral valve prolapse in patients with fibromyalgia syndrome?
E Kozanoglu, IC Benlidayi, RE Akilli, A Tasal – Clinical Rheumatology, 2015
Abstract The objective of the present study is to determine whether benign joint
hypermobility syndrome (BJHS) modifies the risk of mitral valve prolapse (MVP) in patients
with fibromyalgia (FM). Female patients fulfilling the 1990 American College of …
[HTML] Calibration and Validation of the Dutch-Flemish PROMIS Pain Interference Item Bank in Patients with Chronic Pain
MHP Crins, LD Roorda, N Smits, HCW de Vet… – PLOS ONE, 2015
… as pain that persists beyond the normal tissue healing time, in which the most prevalent pain
is musculoskeletal pain, with prevalence varying from 30–40% for low back pain, 15–20% for
shoulder- and neck pain, 10–15% for chronic widespread pain and 2% for fibromyalgia [3,4 …
Assessment of response bias in neurocognitive evaluations
DA Carone – NeuroRehabilitation, 2015
… survey data of neuropsychologists show that the base rates of malingering or symptom
exaggeration are much higher (29% to 41%) in settings where patients are seeking financial
compensation or disability and in patient groups (ie, concussion, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue …
S Lopez-Pousa, GB Pagès, S Monserrat-Vila
ABSTRACT Background and objective: Most patients with fibromyalgia benefit from different
forms of physical exercise. Studies show that exercise can help restore the body’s
neurochemical balance and that it triggers a positive emotional state. So, regular exercise …
[HTML] Miller Chiropractic & Laser Treatment Center
D Emery
… Acta Medica Academica 2013;42(1):46-54. doi: 10.5644/ama2006-124.70. Study Finds
Chiropractic Beneficial for Fibromyalgia. A new study from Egypt reports that chiropractic care
can be an effective treatment strategy for fibromyalgia treatment with chiropractic care. …
[PDF] Cost-effectiveness of 40-hour versus 100-hour vocational rehabilitation on work participation for workers on sick leave due to subacute or chronic musculoskeletal …
TT Beemster, JM van Velzen, CAM van Bennekom… – Trials, 2015
… as follows: 1) individuals of working age (18 to 65 years); 2) suffering from subacute (6 to 12 weeks)
or chronic (>12 weeks) nonspecific musculoskeletal pain such as back, neck, shoulder,
widespread pain, Whiplash Associated Disorder (WAD I or II), or fibromyalgia; 3) having …
Peer-Reviewed Abstracts
D Avans – Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 2015
… Fine motor control knowingly declines with age and certain diseases such as fibromyalgia and
cerebral palsy (Perez-de-Heredia-Torres, 2013). … Research of this nature could also be translated
to diseased populations such as those with fibromyalgia or diabetes. …
Gastro-protective and Anti-stress Efficacies of Monomethyl Fumarate and a Fumaria indica Extract in Chronically Stressed Rats
A Shakya, UK Soni, G Rai, SS Chatterjee, V Kumar – Cellular and Molecular …, 2015
… are some of the major symptoms of numerous, if not all, chronic inflammatory diseases
accompanying central sensitivity syndromes (Yunus 2008 ), and it is now well recognized that
cytokine and immune system abnormalities are the root cause of fibromyalgia and other central …
[PDF] Mechanisms of action of balneotherapy in rheumatic diseases
A Fioravanti, S Cheleschi – IV CIBAP BOÍ 2015
… Anti-inflammatory aspects Recent studies have shown a reduction of circulating levels of
Prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) and Leukotriene B4 (LTB4), important mediators of inflammation and
pain, in patients suffering from OA or fibromyalgia who undergo mud-packs or …
Determinants of Patient Satisfaction in an Academic Rheumatology Practice.
JH Ku, A Danve, H Pang, D Choi, JT Rosenbaum – Journal of clinical rheumatology: …, 2015
… 95% CI, -15.25 to -3.25), arthralgia (β = -8.67; 95% CI, -16.60 to -0.74), myalgia (β = -8.67; 95%
CI, -16.60 to -0.74), gout (β = -7.5; 95% CI, -14.13 to -0.89), ankylosing spondylitis (β = -5.20;
95% CI, -9.65 to -0.75), pain (β = -4.62; 95% CI, -8.43 to -0.81), fibromyalgia (β = -4.62; 95 …
Method and Apparatus for Diagnosing and Assessing Centralized Pain
JB Hargrove – US Patent 20,150,201,879, 2015
… Because of this emerging understanding, the role of CS is increasingly being shown to be
pathological in seemingly unrelated chronic pain conditions and syndromes including fibromyalgia,
complex regional pain syndrome, phantom pain, and migraine headaches. …
E Berry, Y Avraham, J Katzhendler, J Mograbi… – US Patent 20,150,202,179, 2015
… Abstract: The invention provides fatty acid derivatives for use in a method of treatment of at least
one disease, disorder or condition selected from anxiety, depression, conditions associated
menopause, stress, bipolar disorder, neuropathic pain and fibromyalgia. …
A Rajpal, MN Devalaraja, K Toy, L Yang, H Huang… – US Patent 20,150,203,574, 2015
… The term “fibromyalgia” is also known as fibromyalgia syndrome. The American College
of Rheumatology (ACR) 1990 classification criteria for fibromyalgia include a history
of chronic, widespread pain for more than three months …
Impact of Gender-Based Aggression on Women’s Mental Health in Portugal
M Reis, L Ramiro, MG de Matos – … Mental Health: Resistance and Resilience in …, 2015
… The rate was even higher for women who had experienced non-partner sexual violence (WHO,
2013). Health effects can also include headaches, back pain, abdominal pain, fibromyalgia,
gastrointestinal disorders, limited mobility, and poor overall health (WHO, 2013). …
Pain 2014 Refresher Courses: 15th World Congress on Pain
SN Raja, CL Sommer – 2015
Restless Legs Syndrome: The Devil Is in the Details
PJ Sampognaro, RE Salas, A Kalloo, C Gamaldo – Sleepy or Sleepless: Clinical …, 2015
… medical conditions Restless legs syndrome (Willis-Ekbom disease) Renal failure Periodic limb
movement disorder Anemia REM sleep behavior disorder (RBD) Peripheral neuropathy
Obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS) Rheumatoid arthritis Fibromyalgia Attention deficit …
[PDF] Dermatologic Extrahepatic Manifestations of Hepatitis C
B Dedania, GY Wu – Journal of Clinical and Translational Hepatology, 2015
… cutanea tarda23 – Lichen planus33,35,36 – Sicca syndrome – Auto-antibody productions
(rheumatoid factor, cryoglobulins, anti-smooth muscle) – Glomerulonephritis12 C. Possible
association2,16 – Polyarthritis – Pruritus – Fibromyalgia – Chronic polyradiculoneuropathy – Lung …
E Skolnik, Z Li, S Srivastava – US Patent 20,150,204,846, 2015
… Exemplary IgE-mediated allergic disorders include, without limitation, allergic rhinitis,
allergic or atopic asthma, anaphylaxis, atopic dermatitis, eczema, hay fever,
fibromyalgia, and an immediate type hypersensitivity reaction. …
Psychological Interventions for the Management of Chronic Pain: a Review of Current Evidence
RS Kaiser, M Mooreville, K Kannan – Current Pain and Headache Reports, 2015
… A few of the many variants of this approach will be highlighted. Currently, cognitive
behavioral therapy (CBT) is a first-line psychological treatment for individuals with chronic
pain, such as back pain, headache, arthritis, and fibromyalgia [ 12 •]. …
by admin | Jul 16, 2015 | Uncategorized

If you’re looking for natural ways to fight the aches, stiffness and inflammation of fibromyalgia, supplements can be a powerful weapon against symptoms. From vitamin D to brown seaweed extract, an arsenal of tools can help reduce pain. Here, experts reveal what works and why…
If you’re not including fibromyalgia-fighting supplements as part of your pain-management regimen, you could be missing out.
“The right supplements can help muscles relax, which leads to pain reduction, or even prevent pain altogether,” says fibromyalgia expert Jacob Teitelbaum, M.D., director of the Fatigue & Fibromyalgia Practitioners Network and author The Fatigue and Fibromyalgia Solution (Avery).
But when you’re standing in the supplement aisle, it’s hard to figure out which live up to their hype.
Read on for expert advice on the top 6 supplements for relieving fibro pain and other symptoms.
1. Vitamin D
The “sunshine vitamin” isn’t only good for building bones.
It can help fight fibro pain and fatigue, too, according to a 2014 study published in the journal Pain.
For the study, 30 women with fibromyalgia – who were also deficient in vitamin D – were divided into two groups. The treatment group received oral vitamin D supplements for 20 weeks. The control group received a placebo.
Starting after just one week, the treatment group showed improved physical functioning, had less morning fatigue than the placebo group and reported a marked reduction in pain.
The body produces vitamin D when skin is directly exposed to the sun – our best source. But some people don’t produce enough of the nutrient, according to the National Institutes of Health. These include women who are older, dark-skinned or obese.
People with certain disorders, including celiac or Crohn’s disease – as well as those who aren’t exposed to ample sunlight (or who wear sunscreen) – are also likely to be deficient. (Read about 11 natural remedies for Crohn’s management.)
Because few foods contain vitamin D, swallowing supplements is the easiest way to ensure you get enough.
The government’s daily recommendation of vitamin D is 600 international units (IU) for anyone 1 to 70 years old, and 800 IU for people 71 and up – to a maximum of 4,000 IU per day, according to the National Institutes of Health.
But ask your doctor how much you should take to combat your fibro symptoms.
2. Fish Oil
Thanks to its omega-3 fatty acids, fish oil has terrific anti-inflammatory properties, which can help reduce fibro pain.
It reduces the body’s production of inflammatory hormones (prostaglandins), says Nehad Soloman, M.D., a board-certified rheumatologist for Valley Arthritis Care in Arizona. And that may mean less stiffness or fewer tender joints.
Dr. Soloman suggests choosing a mercury-free brand (check the label), although fish oil supplements are considered safe.
Take 1 or 2 capsules (or 1 or 2 tablespoons) daily to reduce inflammation and boost your immunity, recommends the University of Maryland Medical Center. But check with your doctor first – especially if you take blood-thinning medications, such as aspirin or warfarin (Coumadin).
3. SAMe
S-Adenosyl methionine, more commonly known as SAMe, is a synthetic form of a compound the body naturally produces.
We need it for proper immune function, and it plays a role in forming cartilage and our DNA, Dr. Soloman says.
As we age, our bodies produce less of it, which may explain the increased aches after your 40th birthday. Taking a SAMe supplement not only lessens chronic pain, it also can boost your spirits. These 5 other natural mood-lifters help too.
“SAMe assists in the production and breakdown of neurotransmitters, such as serotonin, norepinephrine and dopamine – brain hormones that influence and regulate moods,” Dr. Soloman says.
In fibro studies, the recommended dosing is 400 mg twice a day for six weeks, starting with a lower dose (about 200 mg daily) and increasing gradually to avoid stomach upset, according to the University of Maryland Medical Center. But dosing varies by patient, so ask your doctor.
4. Ribose
Tight muscles are a common cause of fibro pain. To relax and release, muscles need energy, Dr. Teitelbaum says. And that’s where ribose supplements come in.
Ribose, a simple sugar, can increase energy by an average of 61% – and cut the pain experienced by fibromyalgia sufferers by an average of 15.6%, according to a 2012 study Dr. Teitelbaum led, published in The Open Pain Journal.
“The energy-building benefit of ribose directly improved the debilitating symptoms of this condition,” Dr. Teitelbaum says.
Dr. Teitelbaum recommends a 5 g dose three times a day.
5. Magnesium
This mineral is a major player in every body part.
Not only is it credited with keeping the heart, kidneys and bones strong, it also helps us avoid muscle spasms, weakness and back pain, Dr. Teitelbaum says.
Women with fibromyalgia may be deficient in magnesium, studies suggest. And magnesium may help relieve fibro pain and other symptoms.
For example, researchers from Ajou University School of Medicine in Korea analyzed hair samples from 166 women – including 44 with fibromyalgia. The hair from the fibromyalgia group contained significantly lower amounts of magnesium than that of the healthy women, according to the 2011 study.
Researchers at Acıbadem University Medical School in Istanbul, Turkey, also found that women diagnosed with fibromyalgia were likely to have “significantly lower” magnesium levels than women who didn’t have the disorder. But those who then took 300 mg/day of magnesium citrate for 8 weeks reported a reduction of “tender points” and other fibromyalgia symptoms, according to their 2013 study.
Magnesium is found in green leafy vegetables, pumpkin and sunflower seeds, 100% wheat bran cereal and raw spinach.
But these foods are a good source only if you eat them raw. Half of the minerals’ benefits are lost when cooked.
Normal daily recommended dosage for adult women is 280 to 300 mg per day, taken with meals, says the Mayo Clinic.
But if you have kidney disease or are taking medication, talk to your doctor before taking magnesium. Magnesium can interact with certain medications, including high blood pressure medicines and antibiotics, the University of Maryland Medical Center says.
6. Brown Seaweed Extract
You may not be familiar with these capsules, but this supplement is one to look for.
“It’s showing great promise in the fight against chronic pain,” Dr. Soloman says.
In fact, taking 1,000 mg of brown seaweed extract daily can reduce joint pain and stiffness by 52%, according to a 2011 study from Australia’s Centre of Health and Wellbeing, published in the journal Biologics.
Even better: These benefits kicked in after just one week, so you don’t have to wait long to find out if it’s working for you.
Supplement Smarts
Check with your doctor before taking these or other supplements.
“Like prescription drugs, it’s possible to take too much. And many supplements have side effects,” says David Pisetsky M.D., Ph.D., a professor of immunology at Duke University Medical Center in Durham, N.C.
Questions to ask your doctor include:
1. What’s the right dosage for me?
2. Should I take it with food?
3. What time of day should I take it?
4. Will this supplement interact badly with my prescriptions?
5. Does it have side effects that might mimic or aggravate my fibro symptoms (such as depression or sleep difficulties)?
For more expert advice and information, visit Lifescript’s Fibromyalgia Health Center.
Also, visit these other resources for more support:
The National Institutes of Health: Information and resources from the U.S. government’s medical research agency.
The American Fibromyalgia Syndrome Association: This group’s mission is to fund scientific studies on fibromyalgia.
Fibromyalgia Network: A nonprofit that offers information about the disease from top fibromyalgia clinicians and researchers.
by admin | Jul 7, 2015 | Uncategorized
Weekly Breaking Research Updates
Scientific breakthroughs happen every day! In an effort to help our patients stay up to speed on the most cutting edge treatment options available for them, our scientists monitor current research and publish weekly research updates. The title of each article below is a link to the full study report. If you’d like to make an appointment with Dr. Hanna to discuss your treatment options, please contact us.
Withdrawal from Acute Amphetamine Induces an Amygdala-Driven Attenuation of Dopamine Neuron Activity: Reversal by Ketamine.
P Belujon, NL Jakobowski, HK Dollish, AA Grace – … : official publication of the …, 2015
Drug addiction is a chronic disorder characterized by a cycle composed of drug seeking,
intoxication with drug taking and withdrawal associated with negative affect. Numerous
studies have examined withdrawal/negative affect after chronic use; however, very few …
Enantioselective inhibition of D‐serine transport by (S)‐ketamine
NS Singh, M Bernier, S Camandola, MA Khadeer… – British Journal of …, 2015
Background and purpose Patients with major depressive disorder receiving racemic
ketamine,(R, S)-ketamine, experience transient increases in Clinician-Administered
Dissociative States Scale (CADDS) scores and coincident drop in plasma D-serine levels. …
Pain Management with Low-Dose Ketamine Infusions
A Katz – Emergency Medicine News, 2015
Wolters Kluwer Health may email you for journal alerts and information, but is committed to maintaining
your privacy and will not share your personal information without your express consent. For more
information, please refer to our Privacy Policy. … The M 2 E Too! Blog by Larry Mellick, …
Sedative medications outside the operating room and the pharmacology of sedatives
TG Hansen – Current Opinion in Anesthesiology, 2015
… Ketamine. Ketamine is a unique phencyclidine derivate that differs from other sedatives in several
ways. … Ketamine seems to induce a dissociative anesthetic state with functional and
electrophysiological separation between the limbic system and hypothalamus. …
Pre-Emptive Analgesia with Ketamine for Relief of Postoperative Pain After Surgical Removal of Impacted Mandibular Third Molars
A Hadhimane, M Shankariah, KV Neswi – Journal of Maxillofacial and Oral Surgery, 2015
Purpose In this study we assessed the clinical efficacy of sub-mucosal injection of ketamine
at sub-anesthetic dose of 0.5 mg/kg on post-operative pain, swelling and trismus following
surgical extraction of impacted mandibular third molars. Methods Forty bilaterally …
Fluorescence‐guided surgery of human prostate cancer experimental bone metastasis in nude mice using anti‐CEA dylight 650 for tumor illumination
S Miwa, N De Magalhães, M Toneri, Y Zhang, W Cao… – Journal of Orthopaedic …, 2015
… Tumor implantation Six to eight-week-old male mice were anesthetized by a ketamine mixture
(10 µL ketamine HCL, 7.6 … Before resection of the metastatic tumor, mice were anesthetized with
the ketamine mixture (described above), and their limbs were sterilized with alcohol. …
Reassessment of the antioxidative mixture for the challenging electrochemical determination of dopamine, noradrenaline and serotonin in microdialysis samples
J Van Schoors, C Lens, K Maes, Y Michotte, I Smolders… – Journal of Chromatography …, 2015
… Diazepam 10 mg/2 mL is purchased as Valium ® from Roche (Cenexi, Fontenay-sous-Bois,
France), ketamine 1000 mg/10 mL as Ketamine 1000 ® from Ceva (Libourne, France), Ketoprofen
1% as Ketofen ® from Merial (Toulouse, France) and NaCl 0.9% from Baxter (Lessines …
Ultrasound-induced suppression of visually-evoked potentials: experience in nonhuman primates with a clinical transcranial MRI-guided focused ultrasound system
N McDannold, C Arvanitis, N Vykhodtseva… – Journal of Therapeutic …, 2015
… 650 kHz. Methods. The animal was deeply anesthetized using ketamine and
dexdormitor. First we targeted the LGN using MR temperature imaging, and then
we relocated the MRI table just outside the MRI. Visually-evoked …
Severe Acquired Idiopathic Thrombocytopenia in a Female Cynomolgus Macaque (Macaca fascicularis)
CM Parrula, J Mysore, H Burr, W Freebern, N Neef – Comparative Medicine, 2015
… On day 4, a follow-up complete physical exam under ketamine sedation (10 mg/kg IM; ketamine
hydrochloride, Fort Dodge Animal Health, Fort Dodge, IA), showed diffuse, pale-red discoloration
in both inguinal regions, as noted previously, and multifocal pinpoint foci of …
Estradiol protects female rats against sepsis induced by Enterococcus faecalis improving leukocyte bactericidal activity
RS Saia, FM Garcia, EC Cárnio – Steroids, 2015
… 0.5–1 × 10 10 CFU/animal) (time “zero” hour). At 6 and 24 h, rats were deeply
anesthetized (ketamine and xylazine at 55 and 10 mg/kg, respectively, ip) for sample
collection. As detailed in the subsequent sections, the blood …
Hot Off the Press: Subdissociative‐dose Ketamine for Acute Pain in the Emergency Department
AB Drake, WK Milne, CR Carpenter – Academic Emergency Medicine, 2015
… Social Media. Hot Off the Press: Subdissociative-dose Ketamine for Acute Pain in the Emergency
Department. … How to Cite. Drake, AB, Milne, WK, Carpenter, CR (2015), Hot Off the Press:
Subdissociative-dose Ketamine for Acute Pain in the Emergency Department. …
Optimization and application of an extraction procedure to determine drugs of abuse in solid environmental matrices of Turia River Basin
MJ Andres, R Alvarez, V Andreu, Y Pico – EGU General Assembly Conference …, 2015
… Amphetamine, methamphetamine, ethylamphetamine, ecstasy, ethylone, bk-MMBDB and MBDB
belong to phenylethylamine group; codeine and ketamine belong to opioid and phencyclidine
group, respectively, and benzoylecgonine is the major excreted metabolite of the …
Green spaces and cognitive growth in children
C Dieme – PNAS, 2015
… AG. Previous Section. Neural mechanism of ketamine. … Ketamine can produce rapid and
long-lasting antidepressant effects, but the drug’s potential for side effects and abuse limits its
widespread use, and the cellular mechanisms of ketamine’s effects are not yet known. …
Increasing use of ‘party drugs’ in people living with HIV on antiretrovirals: a concern for patient safety
M Bracchi, D Stuart, R Castles, S Khoo, D Back… – AIDS, 2015
… These substances are a combination of ‘club drugs’ (methylenedioxy- methamphetamine,
gamma-hydroxybutyrate, ketamine, benzodiazepine) and drugs that are more specifically used
in a sexualized context (methamphetamine, mephe- drone, poppers and erectile … Ketamine …
Halothane Modulates the Type I Interferon Response to Influenza and Minimizes the Risk of Secondary Bacterial Pneumonia through Maintenance of Neutrophil …
BA MacDonald, KV Chakravarthy, BA Davidson… – Anesthesiology, 2015
… The authors demonstrate that halothane mitigates the risk of SBP postflu through modulation
of the effects of type I interferon (IFN). METHODS: Mice (n = 6 to 15) were exposed to halothane
or ketamine and treated with influenza and Streptococcus pneumoniae. …
[HTML]Airtraq® laryngoscope-assisted fiberoptic bronchoscope intubation in a child with Pierre-Robin sequence: a case report
S Zhang, M Yi – International Journal of Clinical and Experimental …, 2015
… Sedation was achieved with IV dexmedetomidine 1 μg/kg and ketamine 1 mg/kg. … We
opted to use dexmedetomidine and ketamine in this child because they provide
sedation and analgesia without compromising respiratory drive. …
[HTML]Transcutaneous electric acupoint stimulation alleviates remifentanil-induced hyperalgesia in patients undergoing thyroidectomy: a randomized controlled trial
Y Chen, Y Yao, Y Wu, D Dai, Q Zhao, L Qiu – International Journal of Clinical and …, 2015
… Some medications, including ketamine, methadone, dextromethorphan, COX-2 inhibitors and
α 2 receptor agonists can modulate remifentanil-induced hyperalgesia [7]. Due to drug-related
side effects and longer duration of PACU stay, however, we have found these …
Impact of Obesity on Endotoxin-Induced Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation.
T Duburcq, A Tournoys, G Viviane, T Hubert, V Gmyr… – Shock, 2015
… animals). For the experiment, animals were premedicated with intramuscular injection of ketamine
(Ketamine 1000, 10 mg/kg of body weight; Virbac, Carros, France) and xylazine (Sedaxylan,
2.5 mg/kg of body weight; CEVA Santé Animale, Libourne, France). Then we …
Endocannabinoid signaling mechanisms in the substantia nigra pars reticulata modulate GABAergic nigrotectal pathways in mice threatened by urutu-cruzeiro …
RC Almada, CM Roncon, DH Elias-Filho, NC Coimbra – Neuroscience, 2015
… The surgeries were performed under deep anesthesia with 100 mg/kg ketamine (Ketamine
Agener, União Química Farmacêutica Nacional, São Paulo, Brazil) and 10 mg/kg xylazine
(Calmiun, União Química Farmacêutica Nacional, São Paulo, Brazil). …
MD Dănilă, AI Privistirescu, SN Mirica, A Sturza… – Canadian Journal of …, 2015
… Male (body weight 400-450 g) and female (body weight 250-300 g) Wistar rats were anesthetized
with ketamine (Vetased, 30 mg/kg) and xylazine (Xylazin, 10 mg/kg) … Page 4 of 23 Page 5. 5
ketamine able to induce anesthesia was chosen in order to not interfere with the IPC- …
Radiofrequency Ablation (RFA)
In vitro artefact assessment of a new MR-compatible microwave antenna and a standard MR-compatible radiofrequency ablation electrode for tumour ablation
R Hoffmann, H Rempp, F Eibofner, DE Keßler… – European Radiology, 2015
Objective To evaluate and compare artefact configuration and diameters in a magnetic
resonance (MR)-compatible prototype microwave (MW) applicator and a standard MR-
compatible radiofrequency (RF) applicator for MR-guided tumour ablation. Methods Both …
Does Surgical Resection Provide Better Outcomes Than Radiofrequency Ablation in Patients With BCLC Very Early-stage Hepatocellular Carcinoma?.
C Li, TF Wen – Annals of Surgery, 2015
Wolters Kluwer Health may email you for journal alerts and information, but is committed to maintaining
your privacy and will not share your personal information without your express consent. For more
information, please refer to our Privacy Policy. … Skip Navigation Links Home > …
Comparing outcome of radiofrequency ablation in Barrett’s with high grade dysplasia and intramucosal carcinoma: a prospective multicenter UK registry.
RJ Haidry, G Lipman, MR Banks, MA Butt, V Sehgal… – Endoscopy, 2015
Background and study aim: Mucosal neoplasia arising in Barrett’s esophagus can be
successfully treated with endoscopic mucosal resection (EMR) followed by radiofrequency
ablation (RFA). The aim of the study was to compare clinical outcomes of patients with …
Effectiveness of focal vs. balloon radiofrequency ablation devices in the treatment of Barrett’s esophagus
J Brown, B Alsop, N Gupta, DC Buckles, MS Olyaee… – United European …, 2015
Abstract Background and aims The safety and efficacy of radiofrequency ablation (RFA) in
treatment of Barrett’s esophagus (BE)-associated dysplasia has been well established. The
effectiveness of focal and balloon RFA devices has not been compared. Therefore, the …
Microwave Ablation: Comparison of Simultaneous and Sequential Activation of Multiple Antennas in Liver Model Systems
CM Harari, M Magagna, M Bedoya, FT Lee Jr… – Radiology, 2015
… Although both methods have been used in clinical studies of radiofrequency (RF) and microwave
ablation, an optimal delivery method has not yet been determined (6–9). Comparison studies
of sequential and simultaneous RF ablation techniques have concluded that …
Heparin Kinetics: The “Holy Grail” of Periprocedural Anticoagulation for ablation of atrial fibrillation
DF Briceno, A Natale, LD Biase – Pacing and Clinical Electrophysiology, 2015
… anticoagulation in patients undergoing radiofrequency ablation for atrial fibrillation: results from
a multicenter prospective registry. … anticoagulation in patients undergoing radiofrequency ablation
for atrial fibrillation: results from a multicenter prospective registry. …
Catheter Ablation of Atrial Fibrillation Should Be Offered as Primary Therapy: What’s Your Hurry?
EF Wedam, MCP Haigney – Cardiac Electrophysiology Clinics, 2015
… medications. Radiofrequency ablation/cryoballoon ablation: a cure for atrial fibrillation?
Merriam-Webster’s … unknown. Does early radiofrequency ablation/cryoballoon ablation
prevent progression to permanent atrial fibrillation? A major …
OC-037 6 year disease durability outcomes on patients treated with endoscopic therapy for barrett’s related neoplasia from the uk registry
R Haidry, G Lipman, A Gupta, J Dunn, H Smart… – Gut, 2015
… Introduction Endoscopic therapy with combined Endoscopic mucosal resection (EMR) followed
by Radiofrequency ablation (RFA) is now the recommended first line … Thereafter patients underwent
RFA 3 monthly until all visible BE was ablated or cancer developed (endpoints). …
[HTML]Hybrid atrial fibrillation ablations and the increasing importance of the hybrid cardiovascular laboratory operating room
WJ Schleifer, JF Beshai, H Ramakrishna – Annals of Cardiac Anaesthesia, 2015
… the epicardium. [4] Moreover, endocardial catheters can check for the completeness
of the epicardial lesions and potentially identify gaps, which can then be addressed
with endocardial radiofrequency ablation. A similar approach …
[PDF]Effects of Hepatitis B Virus Load on Hepatectomy
M Wang, W Peng, TF Wen, LH He, C Li – Clin Microbiol, 2015
… MC: Milan Criteria; HR: Hepatic Resection; AFP: Alpha-Fetoprotein; OS: Overall Survival; RFS:
Recurrence-Free Survival; DNA: Deoxyribonucleic Acid; CT: Computed Tomography; MRI:
Magnetic Resonance Imaging; RFA: Radiofrequency Ablation; PEI: Percutaneous Ethanol …
R Valcavi, P Tsamatropoulos – Endocrine practice: official journal of the American …, 2015
OBJECTIVE: We studied the impact of Radiofrequency ablation (RFA) on health-related
quality of life (HRQL) in patients with benign thyroid nodules (TN) in a 2-year follow-up.
METHODS: Forty patients (35 female and 5 men; age 54.9±14.3 years) with cold thyroid …
Comparison of laparoscopic radiofrequency ablation versus open resection in the treatment of symptomatic-enlarging hepatic hemangiomas: a prospective study
X Zhang, L Yan, B Li, T Wen, W Wang, M Xu, Y Wei… – Surgical Endoscopy, 2015
Background Radiofrequency ablation (RFA) has been demonstrated to be a promising
therapy for symptomatic large hepatic hemangioma. However, there is a lack of studies to
demonstrate the benefits and disadvantages of RFA as compared with surgical resection …
… mucosal resection on the efficacy and safety of radiofrequency ablation for treatment of Barrett’s esophagus: results from the United States Radiofrequency Ablation …
N Li, S Pasricha, WJ Bulsiewicz, RE Pruitt… – Diseases of the Esophagus, 2015
Summary The effects of preceding endoscopic mucosal resection (EMR) on the efficacy and
safety of radiofrequency ablation (RFA) for treatment of nodular Barrett’s esophagus (BE) is
poorly understood. Prior studies have been limited to case series from individual tertiary …
… MicroRNA-122 Expression is a Poor Prognostic Marker in Patients with Hepatitis B Virus-related Hepatocellular Carcinoma who undergo Radiofrequency Ablation
HJ Cho, JK Kim, JS Nam, HJ Wang, J hee Lee, SS Kim… – Clinical Biochemistry, 2015
Objectives: Aim of this study was to investigate the prognostic potential of plasma microRNA-
122 levels in patients with hepatitis B virus (HBV)-related hepatocellular carcinoma after
hepatic resection or radiofrequency ablation (RFA).
[HTML]… efficacy enough to prevent stroke in atrial fibrillation patient with high CHADS2 score during peri-procedural catheter radiofrequency ablation? A case report with …
XM Shi, FK Chen, Z Liang, J Li, K Lin, JP Guo, ZL Shan – International Journal of …, 2015
Abstract Atrial fibrillation (AF) is a major cause of thromboembolic (TE) events including
stroke and transient ischemic attacks, catheter radiofrequency ablation (CA) has been
demonstrated to effectively eliminate AF in majority of patients. During the peri-procedural …
Right upper lobe lung cancer: Resection through left anterior mediastinotomy
M Sirois, WA Arab, E Turcotte, Y Poulin – Asian Cardiovascular and Thoracic Annals, 2015
… evaluation revealed a forced expiratory volume in 1 s of 1.8 L with carbon dioxide diffusion
capacity of 48% and maximal uptake of oxygen 14 mL min −1 kg −1 . Treatment including
stereotactic body radiation therapy, radiofrequency ablation, and surgery were discussed. …
Magnetic guidance versus manual control: comparison of radiofrequency lesion dimensions and evaluation of the effect of heart wall motion in a myocardial phantom
A Bhaskaran, MAT Barry, SI Al Raisi, W Chik… – Journal of Interventional …, 2015
… Abbreviations MNS Magnetic navigation system MC Manual control 1 Introduction Magnetic
navigation system (MNS) allows remote guidance of ablation catheters during radiofrequency
ablation for cardi- ac arrhythmias. … Page 3. 2.2 MNS versus MC radiofrequency ablation …
Thermal necrosis induced by electrocauterization as a local adjuvant therapy in local aggressive bone tumors, what is the safe limit for surgical margins? An …
M Aydin, K Basarir, M Armangil, HY Yildiz, Y Saglik… – Archives of Orthopaedic and …, 2015
… Majno PE, Mentha G, Mazzaferro V (2010) Partial hepatectomy versus radiofrequency ablation
for hepatocellular carcinoma: confirming the trial that will never be, and some comments on the
indications for liver resection. Hepatology 51(4):1116–1118PubMedView Article; 23. …
Functional Characterization of Rare Variants Implicated in Susceptibility to Lone Atrial Fibrillation
K Hayashi, T Konno, H Tada, S Tani, L Liu, N Fujino… – Circulation: Arrhythmia and …, 2015
Endoscopic Management of Early Esophageal Cancer.
JA Barnes, FF Willingham – Journal of Clinical Gastroenterology, 2015
… proportionately. In the past decade, radiofrequency ablation has become the standard
first-line therapy for high-grade dysplasia when found in the precursor lesion to
esophageal adenocarcinoma, Barrett’s esophagus. Success …
Chronic Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS/RSD)
V33. Functional imaging of somatosensory finger representation and intracortical inhibition modulation in complex regional pain syndrome
S Strauss, M Grothe, T Usichenko, W Byblow, M Lotze – Clinical Neurophysiology, 2015
Neurophysiological pathology in CRPS type I is characterized by somatosensory and motor deficits.
Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) and functional MRI rev. … Neurophysiological pathology
in CRPS type I is characterized by somatosensory and motor deficits. …
Exploiting resistive cross-point array for compact design of physical unclonable function
PY Chen, R Fang, R Liu, C Chakrabarti, Y Cao, S Yu – Hardware Oriented Security …, 2015
… primitive that leverages the inherent randomness in the physical systems (eg the semiconductor
manufacturing process) to produce a unique response (output) for a given challenge (input)
[1]. Depending on the number of possible challenge-response pairs (CRPs), PuFs can …
Do psychological factors influence recovery from Complex Regional Pain Syndrome Type-1? A Prospective Study.
DJ Bean, MH Johnson, W Heiss-Dunlop, AC Leed… – PAIN, 2015
… Conflicts of Interest: none declared. Running Head: “Psychological factors in the recovery from
CRPS-1” Number of Pages: 19 Number of Tables: 3 Number of Figures: 1 Summary: Amongst
patients with recently-onset CRPS-1, those with higher levels of pain-related …
A comparison of linear and non-linear data assimilation methods using the NEMO ocean model
P Kirchgessner, J Tödter, L Nerger – EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 2015
…, which ensures identical experimental conditions for both filters. To
account for the nonlinearity, the assimilation skill of the two methods is assessed
by using different statistical metrics, like CRPS and Histograms.
The total probabilities from high-resolution ensemble forecasting of floods
J Olav Skøien, K Bogner, P Salamon, P Smith… – EGU General Assembly …, 2015
… Weather Rev., 135(4), 1386-1402, doi:10.1175/MWR3341.1, 2007. Gneiting, T., Raftery,
AE, Westveld, AH and Goldman, T.: Calibrated Probabilistic Forecasting Using Ensemble
Model Output Statistics and Minimum CRPS Estimation, Mon. …
Efficacy of combined physical and occupational therapy in patients with conservatively treated distal radius fracture: randomized controlled trial
V Filipova, D Lonzarić, BJ Papež – Wiener klinische Wochenschrift, 2015
… Two participants from group A and two from group B were suspected of having complex
regional pain syndrome (CRPS) type I yet were not excluded from the trial since there
was no significant deviation regarding the observed variables. …
Combining Graph Analysis and Recurrence Plot on fMRI data
A Lombardi, P Guccione, L Mascolo, P Taurisano… – Medical Measurements and …, 2015
… Even if a visual inspection of CRPs can reveal valuable information about the relationship between
the two systems, the quantification of the structures in CRPs through CRQA has been used for
making more objective the comparison between the time series. Page 3. …
Improving Precipitation Forecasts by Generating Ensembles through Postprocessing
DL Shrestha, DE Robertson, JC Bennett, QJ Wang – Monthly Weather Review, 2015
… In this study, the forecast 3 performance is characterized by evaluating the bias, the Continuous
Ranked Probability Score 4 (CRPS), reliability and Relative Operating Characteristics (ROC)
to assess different aspects of 5 forecast quality. 6 … The mean CRPS (hereafter 16 …
The Forecast Skill Horizon
R Buizza, M Leutbecher – Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 2015
… theoretical tools are deemed to be impractical to use. We select the continuous ranked probability
score (CRPS, Brown 1974, Hersbach 2000) as metric to decide when the … closer to the observed
CDF (bottom panel). The CRPS is equal to the mean squared error …
Functional Outcomes Following Bridge Plate Fixation for Distal Radius Fractures
A Lauder, S Agnew, K Bakri, CH Allan, DP Hanel… – The Journal of Hand …, 2015
… 2/134 deep infection. 2/134 extensor tendon adhesions. 1/134 EPL rupture. DASH: N/A. Hanel
et al 13, IV: retrospective chart review, 62 pts via chart review, second metacarpal, No CRPS,
1/62 ECRL rupture, 1/62 hardware failure, 0/62 postoperative digit stiffness. DASH: N/A. …
New findings implicated in Coronary calcification in Chronic phase Kawasaki disease
T Yahata, K Ikeda, A Hamaoka, C Suzuki, A Yoshioka… – Circulation, 2015
… tomography. We measured %FMD as an endothelial function marker and hs-CRPs
as an inflammatory marker, serum hydroperoxide and urinary 8-OHdG as oxidative
stress markers, and the bone mineral density (BMD). Patients …
[PDF]Evaluation of the Red Sea State Food Security Status 2007-2009
AAA Ahmed – 2015
… nutrition monitoring using MUAC Since 2006 no nutrition survey conducted. However, EWS
started collecting the nutrition information using the Community Resource Persons (CRPs)
to follow up the nutrition situation in sentinel sites in RPS and Tokar. …
Spatio-temporal circular models with non-separable covariance structure
G Mastrantonio, GJ Lasinio, AE Gelfand – TEST, 2015
Page 1. TEST DOI 10.1007/s11749-015-0458-y ORIGINAL PAPER Spatio-temporal
circular models with non-separable covariance structure Gianluca Mastrantonio1 ·
Giovanna Jona Lasinio2 · Alan E. Gelfand3 Received: 7 …
Predictors of Spinal Cord Stimulation Success
P De La Cruz, C Fama, S Roth, J Haller, M Wilock… – … : Technology at the Neural …, 2015
… Failure, Success. CRPS, Complex Regional Pain Syndrome; FBSS, Failed Back Surgery
Syndrome. Age, Mean + Range, 47.8 + 25.0, 51.2 + 53. Gender, Male : Female, 3:7, 20:27. … Hybrid
(%), 0, 8.1. Indication, FBSS (%), 60, 37.8. CRPS (%), 20, 37.8. Neuritis (%), 20, 24.3. …
Physical Therapy Examination and Assessment
JM David, C OCS, M Ariana Brutico – journal of orthopaedic & sports physical therapy, 2015
… Why Are My Nerves So Sensitive? Neuroscience Education for Patients With CRPS
or RSD. Authors: Ariana Brutico, MSPT, PhD. AFFILIATION: Body Dynamic: Outpatient
Physical Therapy, Pilates, and Yoga Clarks Summit, PA. …
Improved model output statistics of numerical weather prediction based irradiance forecasts for solar power applications
RA Verzijlbergh, PW Heijnen, SR de Roode, A Los… – Solar Energy, 2015
… irradiance is zero. The evaluation of the probabilistic forecasts is carried out using
two metrics. The first is the continuous ranked probability score (CRPS): equation(9).
CRPS ( k ) = 1 T ∑ t = 1 T ∫ x F ̂ t + k | t ( x ) – H ( x – y t + k ) 2.
Thoracic sympathectomy: a review of current indications
M Hashmonai, AEP Cameron, PB Licht, C Hensman… – Surgical Endoscopy, 2015
… However, because the role of the autonomous nervous system is obscure in the pathogenesis
of these disorders, the term “Complex regional pain syndrome” (CRPS) is preferred. … There is
very little good evidence in the literature to guide treatment of CRPS. …
NGF-induced synapse-like structures in contralateral sensory ganglia contribute to chronic mirror-image pain.
CF Cheng, JK Cheng, CY Chen, RH Rau, YC Chang… – Pain, 2015
… image (contralateral) side [21]. This symptom has been observed in many clinical
pain conditions, such as complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) [23], rheumatoid
arthritis [35], fibromyalgia [4], and neuropathic pain [27]. Mirror …
Process Documentation Research and Impact of Community-Driven Development Grants Research in Rural India, Socioeconomics Discussion Paper Series 34
M Bhattarai, Y Mohan Rao, BL Varalakshmi, VD Duche… – 2015
… Item Type: Socioeconomics Discussion Paper Series. Divisions: RP-Market Institutions
and Policies. CRPS: CGIAR Research Program on Policies, Institutions, and Markets.
Series Name: Socioeconomics Discussion Paper Series. …
SCAMP: A new tool for an old problem
RH Rathod – Journal of Hospital Medicine, 2015
… BWH, Brigham and Women’s Hospital; CRPS, complex regional pain syndrome; EPL, extensor
pollicis longus; PFL, Flexor pollicis longus; MRN, medical record number; N/A, not applicable;
OT, occupational therpay; PA, physician’s assistant. Download figure to PowerPoint. …
Results of an active neurodynamic mobilization program in patients with fibromyalgia syndrome: a randomized controlled clinical trial
JR Torres, IC Martos, IT Sánchez, AO Rubio… – Archives of Physical …, 2015
To examine the effects of an active neurodynamic mobilization program on pain, neurodynamics,
perceived health state and fatigue in patients with fibromyalgia s. … Setting. A local Fibromyalgia
Association. Participants. 48 patients with fibromyalgia syndrome. Interventions. …
The evaluation in terms of sarcopenia of patients with fibromyalgia syndrome
I Koca, E Savas, ZA Ozturk, A Boyaci, A Tutoglu… – Wiener klinische …, 2015
Background Fibromyalgia syndrome (FMS) is an extra-articular rheumatic illness,
characterized by widespread body pain and decreased muscle function. Generalized loss of
muscle mass and strength is named as sarcopenia. The objective of this study was to …
Stigma, Unspeakable Dilemmas, and Somatic Symptoms–a Legacy of Suffering in CFS/ME and Fibromyalgia
J Griffith, N Ryan – Meanings of ME: Interpersonal and Social Dimensions …, 2015
Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) and fibromyalgia are both illnesses for which suffering is
amplified by stigmatisation. People with these illnesses often feel judged, devalued,
marginalised, or discriminated against by employers, family members, friends and, most of …
[PDF]Quantitative analysis of nailfold capillary morphology in patients with fibromyalgia
DH Choi, HS Kim – Korean Journal of Internal Medicine, 2015
Background/Aims: Nailfold capillaroscopy (NFC) has been used to examine morphological
and functional microcirculation changes in connective tissue diseases. It has been
demonstrated that NFC patterns reflect abnormal microvascular dynamics, which may play …
Fibromyalgia incidence among patients with hepatitis B infection
L Yazmalar, Ö Deveci, İ Batmaz, D İpek, T Çelepkolu… – International Journal of …, 2015
Aim The purpose of our investigation was to evaluate the incidence of fibromyalgia
syndrome (FMS) and identify FMS-related clinical symptoms in hepatitis B virus (HBV)
patients. Methods One hundred and eighteen HBV surface antigen (HbsAg)-positive …
[PDF]Rheumatology: Current Research
EÖ Bulduk, B Biral – 2015
Page 1. Treatment Approaches of Juvenile Fibromyalgia Syndrome … Abstract Juvenile
fibromyalgia syndrome (JFMS) is an idiopathic long-term health condition characterized
by widespread musculoskeletal pain in children and adolescents. …
Meanings of ME: Interpersonal and Social Dimensions of Chronic Fatigue
CD Ward – 2015
… 10 11 12 13 14 The Challenge of CFS/ME in Primary Care Laura Saunders The Said and the
Unsaid: Ambivalence in CFS/ME Christopher D. Ward Stigma, Unspeakable Dilemmas, and
Somatic Symptoms–a Legacy of Suffering in CFS/ME and Fibromyalgia James Griffith and …
AMPK phosphorylation modulates pain by activation of NLRP3-inflammasome
P Bullon, E Alcocer-Gómez, AM Carrión… – Antioxidants and Redox …, 2015
… Deficient AMPK activation and over-activation of NLRP3-inflammasome axis was also observed
in blood cells from patients with Fibromyalgia (FM), a prevalent human … some pain conditions as
neuropathic pain, fibromyalgia (FM), and complex regional pain syndrome (6,15,16). …
Is Chronic Pain a Disease in Its Own Right? Discussions from a Pre-OMERACT 2014 Workshop on Chronic Pain
AM Taylor, K Phillips, JO Taylor, JA Singh… – The Journal of …, 2015
… In a review of functional disorders36, various mechanisms were proposed to explain the cause
of conditions such as irritable bowel syndrome, fibromyalgia, temporomandibular joint disorder,
and inter- stitial cystitis, including enhanced pain perception, altered brain activation …
Compendium for the Antenatal Care of High-Risk Pregnancies
H Narayan – 2015
AB1222-HPR Hypervigilance to Emotional Subliminal Images in Patients with Fibromyalgia
I Peláez, F Mercado, P Barjola, S Cardoso – Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases, 2015
Background Fibromyalgia (FM) is a chronic condition characterized by the presence of pain,
fatigue and cognitive dysfunction, among other symptoms. Previous research (Duschek et
al., 2014) also indicated that patients show an hypervigilance pattern to pain and negative …
[HTML]Temporal analysis of pain responders and common adverse events: when do these first appear following treatment with pregabalin
J Fink, B Emir, B Parsons, A Clair – Journal of Pain Research, 2015
… Clair Pfizer, New York, NY, USA Background: Pregabalin is an α2δ ligand indicated in the USA
for treatment of a number of chronic pain conditions, including diabetic peripheral neuropathy,
postherpetic neuralgia, pain associated with spinal cord injury, and fibromyalgia. …
SP0133 Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis and Other Pediatric Rheumatic Diseases
T Avcin – Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases, 2015
… The clinical trials of CCX168, a small molecule antagonist of human C5aR, in human is underway.
Disclosure of Interest: None declared DOI: 10.1136/annrheumdis-2015-eular.6705 FRIDAY, 12
JUNE 2015 WIN session 5 SP0131 FIBROMYALGIA: WHAT IS NEW LJ Crofford. …
Neuropathic pain as part of chronic widespread pain: environmental and genetic influences.
SK Momi, SM Fabiane, G Lachance, G Livshits… – Pain, 2015
…; +44 (0) 20 7188 6765 Keywords: chronic widespread pain;
neuropathic pain; genetic; fibromyalgia; twin ACCEPTED … ABSTRACT Chronic widespread pain
(CWP) has complex aetiology and forms part of the fibromyalgia syndrome. …
SP0130 C5A and its Receptor in Anca-Associated Vasculitis
MH Zhao – Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases, 2015
… The clinical trials of CCX168, a small molecule antagonist of human C5aR, in human is underway.
Disclosure of Interest: None declared DOI: 10.1136/annrheumdis-2015-eular.6705 FRIDAY, 12
JUNE 2015 WIN session 5 SP0131 FIBROMYALGIA: WHAT IS NEW LJ Crofford. …
The spectrum of noncoeliac gluten sensitivity
I Aziz, M Hadjivassiliou, DS Sanders – Nature Reviews Gastroenterology & …, 2015
… with NCGS is described as well as the symptom manifestations commonly reported after gluten
exposure, which include intestinal symptoms consistent with IBS, and extraintestinal symptoms
such as neurological dysfunction, psychological disturbances, fibromyalgia and skin …
Neuro-Bio-Behavioral Mechanisms of Placebo and Nocebo Responses: Implications for Clinical Trials and Clinical Practice
M Schedlowski, P Enck, W Rief, U Bingel – Pharmacological Reviews, 2015
Health-related quality of life improvements among women with chronic pain: comparison of two multidisciplinary interventions
SV Björnsdóttir, M Arnljótsdóttir, G Tómasson, J Triebel… – Disability & Rehabilitation, 2015
… 18,19]. Recently published systematic reviews on multidisciplinary programs for
people with chronic pain [19], chronic low back pain [20] or fibromyalgia syndrome
[21] agree on recommended content in such programs. This …
NGF-induced synapse-like structures in contralateral sensory ganglia contribute to chronic mirror-image pain.
CF Cheng, JK Cheng, CY Chen, RH Rau, YC Chang… – Pain, 2015
… image (contralateral) side [21]. This symptom has been observed in many clinical
pain conditions, such as complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) [23], rheumatoid
arthritis [35], fibromyalgia [4], and neuropathic pain [27]. Mirror …
Physical Therapy Examination and Assessment
JM David, C OCS, M Ariana Brutico – journal of orthopaedic & sports physical therapy, 2015
… and nerve sensitivity. It is one of several manuals written by the primary author, all
of which discuss concurrent topics involving pain and recovery from injury, including
whiplash, headaches, and fibromyalgia. The manual begins …