How To Get Relief From Back Or Neck Pain

How To Get Relief From Back Or Neck Pain

spinal facet jointYou only need to know one thing about your back — it really, really hurts.

Unfortunately, you’re in good company. More than 26 million Americans will suffer from frequent back pain between the ages of 20 and 64. And for Americans under the age of 45, chronic back pain is the number one cause of disability. Without long-term relief of pain, back problems can keep otherwise willing and able adults from leading the active lives they desire.

Spinal facet joint disorders are the most common cause of frequent lower back and neck pain. So what are “spinal facet joint disorders?”

Tiny bones called vertebrae make up your spine, and each vertebra has a flat surface called facets where they fit together. Doctors call the space where two facets meet a “spinal facet joint.” These joints often become swollen and irritated over time, leading to extremely painful back or neck pain.

What kind of treatments are available?

Millions of Americans suffer from disabling back pain and rely on nothing more than over-the-counter pain medications for relief. If you’re looking for more effective treatments for pain in your lower back or neck, then your doctor might suggest a spinal cord injection. While that might sound painful too, it’s one of the most common treatments for back pain available in 2015.

Because spinal facet joint pain can keep chronic pain patients from going to work or school, it’s important to explore solutions to those pain problems. By injecting pain medication into the spinal facet joint space, doctors can provide prolonged relief for long-suffering patients.

Of course, not all back pain is caused by swollen facet joints, so talk to your doctor to diagnose the exact cause of your chronic pain.

According to the latest numbers available, Americans spend about $85 billion on neck and back pain every year. If your back or neck pain is keeping you from living your best life, then don’t accept “wait and see” as a viable treatment plan. Unlike a headache, pain in the spinal cord won’t just fade away after a good night’s sleep.
