Dealing with Fibromyalgia on a daily basis is a trial that many have to deal and battle with in their life. Fibromyalgia is a chronic pain disorder that causes pain all throughout the body such as the muscles, and joints. The pain is intense especially when pressure is applied to these pressure points also known as tender points. These tender points are at the shoulders, back of the neck, hands, knees, around the neck, and the hip joints.  Research has found that the illness may be hereditary being passed down the family line and more women than men have the disorder.  Treating Fibromyalgia by providing relief of the pain and other symptoms of the illness is a tricky task but it can be done.  Exercising with Fibromyalgia takes time and effort to gain relief from the pain, along with improving sleep, and alleviating other symptoms of the disorder.  Weight loss may help with reducing additional pain in the body such as pain in the legs, cardiovascular functioning, Lack of exercise and conditioning of the body brings on symptoms of increased sensitivity to pain, along with osteoporosis,  degenerative disc disease (DDD), rheumatoid arthritis (RA), lower back pain, weakened muscles in the back, lumbar, pelvis area, and thighs.   Patients who suffer with Fibromyalgia need to exercise a minimum of two times a week for a minimum of 25 minutes each time of exercise. Doing this may help to reduce symptoms of the illness.  If you’re just starting out with exercising it is best to start out slow by picking out a low to moderate intensity of exercise such as walking in the mall, water aerobics, swimming, yoga, tai chi, etc.  As time goes by then increase the amount of time and intensity when you feel ready to do that type of move.

1. Try warm water aerobics in the pool which is the perfect environment to relieve pain and stiffness in the body.  The Arthritis Foundation Aquatic Program is a program that allows patients to exercise gently in the warm water which in turns helps to build up their strength and ability to be more flexible.  Many patients who participate in this exercise activity will find their pain will have decreased and lessened stiffness.

2.  Expand your mind and body with Yoga.  Yoga allows the person to train their mind, body and spirit This type of exercise fits within the alternative and complementary medicine. There are many different types of physical yoga or also known as Hatha (poses). The different types of yoga are such as Bikram which focuses on stamina and purification using heated rooms that are over 100 degrees, or Vinyasa/power yoga which helps to increase stamina, strength and flexibility.

3. Look into applying the mind-body practices Tai Chi and Qigong into your fitness schedule. Both of these practices originated in ancient China.  Anyone of any age and health condition can do these of type of movements.   Tai Chi  which is an exercise focused on easy movement mobility, breathing and improving relaxation.  Tai Chi is a low impact type of aerobics with the focus on reducing pain, and stiffness.  With Tai Chi there are 12 movements with half are basic and the other half are advanced movements. Qigong reduces stress, improves the immune system, lowers blood pressure, improves overall stamina, cardiovascular, and digestive function.
